Exact Match:
- related
- connected by kinship, common origin, or marriage
- being connected either logically or causally or by shared characteristics ; "painting and the related arts"; "school-related activities"; "related to micelle formation is the...ability of detergent actives to congregate at oil-water interfaces"
- affiliate,
- affiliated,
- affinal,
- agnate,
- akin,
- allied,
- associate,
- associated,
- avuncular,
- bound,
- bracketed,
- closely related,
- cognate,
- collateral,
- common,
- congeneric,
- congenerous,
- conjugate,
- connate,
- connatural,
- connected,
- consanguine,
- consanguinean,
- consanguineous,
- coordinated,
- correlated,
- coupled,
- distantly related,
- enate,
- foster,
- genetically related,
- german,
- germane,
- implicated,
- interconnected,
- interdependent,
- interlinked,
- interlocked,
- interrelated,
- involved,
- joined,
- joint,
- kin,
- kindred,
- knotted,
- linked,
- matrilateral,
- matrilineal,
- matroclinous,
- mutual,
- novercal,
- of common source,
- of that ilk,
- of that kind,
- of the blood,
- parallel,
- patrilateral,
- patrilineal,
- patroclinous,
- reciprocal,
- related by blood,
- sib,
- sibling,
- spliced,
- tied,
- tied up,
- twinned,
- uterine,
- wed,
- wedded,
- yoked