Exact Match:
- retrospect
- contemplation of things past; "in retrospect"
- afterthought,
- bring back,
- bring to mind,
- call back,
- call to mind,
- call up,
- cite,
- commitment to memory,
- conjure up,
- evoke,
- exercise of memory,
- flashback,
- go back,
- go back over,
- hark back,
- hindsight,
- learning by heart,
- look back,
- looking back,
- memoir,
- memorization,
- memorizing,
- mind,
- recall,
- recall to mind,
- recalling,
- recapture,
- recollect,
- recollecting,
- recollection,
- reconsideration,
- reevoke,
- reflect,
- reflection,
- remember,
- remembering,
- remembrance,
- remind,
- reminisce,
- reminiscence,
- retain,
- retrace,
- retrospection,
- review,
- review in retrospect,
- revision,
- revive,
- rote,
- rote memory,
- see in retrospect,
- study,
- summon up,
- think back,
- think of,
- use hindsight