a single undivided whole; "an idea is not a unit that can be moved from one brain to another"
an organization regarded as part of a larger social group; "the coach said the offensive unit did a good job"; "after the battle the soldier had trouble rejoining his unit"
a single undivided natural thing occurring in the composition of something else; "units of nucleic acids"
an individual or group or structure or other entity regarded as a structural or functional constituent of a whole; "the reduced the number of units and installations"; "the word is a basic linguistic unit"
someone who expresses in language; someone who talks (especially someone who delivers a public speech or someone especially garrulous); "the speaker at commencement"; "an utterer of useful maxims"
the presiding officer of a deliberative assembly; "the leader of the majority party is the Speaker of the House of Representatives"
a common stock of a nationally known company whose value and dividends are reliable; typically have high price and low yield; "blue chips are usually safe investments"
(architeture) a tall cylindrical vertical upright and used to support a structure
a vertical cylindrical structure standing alone and not supporting anything (such as a monument)
a vertical glass tube used in column chromatography; a mixture is poured in the top and washed through a stationary substance where components of the mixture are adsorbed selectively to form colored bands
an article giving opinions or perspectives
a line of (usually military) units following one after another
a linear array of numbers one above another
anything tall and relatively thin that approximates the shape of a column or tower; "the test tube held a column of white powder"; "a tower of dust rose above the horizon"; "a thin pillar of smoke betrayed their campsite"
an ancient Greek dance imitating the motions of warfare
a metrical unit with unstressed-unstressed syllables
of or relating to or resembling Pyrrhus or his exploits (especially his sustaining staggering losses in order to defeat the Romans); "a Pyrrhic victory"
of or relating to or containing a metrical foot of two unstressed syllables; "pyrrhic verses"
of or relating to a war dance of ancient Greece; "pyrrhic dance movements"
the complex of emotional and intellectual attributes that determine a person's characteristic actions and reactions; "it is his nature to help others"
the essential qualities or characteristics by which something is recognized; "it is the nature of fire to burn"; "the true nature of jealousy"
a particular type of thing; "problems of this type are very difficult to solve"; "he's interested in trains and things of that nature"; "matters of a personal nature"
the natural physical world including plants and animals and landscapes etc.; "they tried to preserve nature as they found it"
a causal agent creating and controlling things in the universe; "the laws of nature"; "nature has seen to it that men are stronger than women"
a base hit on which the batter stops safely at first base
existing alone or consisting of one entity or part or aspect or individual; "upon the hill stood a single tower"; "had but a single thought which was to escape"; "a single survivor"; "a single serving"; "a single lens"; "a single thickness"
used of flowers having usually only one row or whorl of petals; "single chrysanthemums resemble daisies and may have more than one row of petals"