leave behind empty; move out of; "You must vacate your office by tonight"
leave (a job, post, or position) voluntarily; "She vacated the position when she got pregnant"; "The chairman resigned when he was found to have misappropriated funds"
the act of directing the eyes toward something and perceiving it visually; "he went out to have a look"; "his look was fixed on her eyes"; "he gave it a good looking at"; "his camera does his looking for him"
physical appearance; "I don't like the looks of this place"
have a certain outward or facial expression; "How does she look?"; "The child looks unhappy"; "She looked pale after the surgery"
convey by one's expression; "She looked her devotion to me"
perceive with attention; direct one's gaze towards; "She looked over the expanse of land"; "Look at your child!"; "Look--a deer in the backyard!"
give a certain impression or have a certain outward aspect; "She seems to be sleeping"; "This appears to be a very difficult problem"; "This project looks fishy"; "They appeared like people who had not eaten or slept for a long time"
accord in appearance with; "You don't look your age!"
a substance formed during a chemical process before the desired product is obtained
lying between two extremes in time or space or degree; "going from sitting to standing without intermediate pushes with the hands"; "intermediate stages in a process"; "intermediate stops on the route"; "an intermediate level"
outward features; "he enjoyed the solemn externals of religion"
happening or arising or located outside or beyond some limits or especially surface; "the external auditory canal"; "external pressures"
purely outward or superficial; "external composure"; "an external concern for reputation"- A.R.Gurney,Jr.
from or between other countries; "external commerce"; "international trade"; "developing nations need outside help"
coming from the outside; "extraneous light in the camera spoiled the photograph"; "relying upon an extraneous income"; "disdaining outside pressure groups"