Exact Match:
- support
- a military operation (often involving new supplies of men and materiel) to strengthen a military force or aid in the performance of its mission; "they called for artillery support"
- the act of bearing the weight of or strengthening; "he leaned against the wall for support"
- aiding the cause or policy or interests of; "the president no longer had the support of his own party"; "they developed a scheme of mutual support"
- the activity of providing for or maintaining by supplying with money or necessities; "his support kept the family together"; "they gave him emotional support during difficult times"
- any device that bears the weight of another thing; "there was no place to attach supports for a shelf"
- supporting structure that holds up or provides a foundation; "the statue stood on a marble support"
- something providing immaterial assistance to a person or cause or interest; "the policy found little public support"; "his faith was all the support he needed"; "the team enjoyed the support of their fans"
- the financial means whereby one lives; "each child was expected to pay for their keep"; "he applied to the state for support"; "he could no longer earn his own livelihood"
- financial resources provided to make some project possible; "the foundation provided support for the experiment"
- play a subordinate role to (another performer); "Olivier supported Gielgud beautifully in the second act"
- support materially or financially; "he does not support his natural children"; "The scholarship supported me when I was in college"
- give moral or psychological support, aid, or courage to; "She supported him during the illness"; "Her children always backed her up"
- A-frame,
- Maecenas,
- OK,
- TLC,
- abettor,
- abide,
- abide with,
- accept,
- acceptance,
- accession,
- accommodate,
- accredit,
- acquiescence,
- act a part,
- act out,
- admirer,
- advance,
- advocate,
- affirm,
- affirmation,
- afford,
- afford hope,
- afford support,
- aficionado,
- agreement,
- agreement in principle,
- aid,
- aid and comfort,
- aliment,
- alimentation,
- alimony,
- allege in support,
- allotment,
- allowance,
- alpenstock,
- amen,
- angel,
- annuity,
- answer,
- anvil,
- apologist,
- applaud,
- approve,
- argue for,
- arm,
- assent,
- assentation,
- assert,
- assist,
- assistance,
- assurance,
- assure,
- athletic supporter,
- attend to,
- attest,
- attestation,
- augur well,
- authenticate,
- authentication,
- authorize,
- autograph,
- auxiliaries,
- baby-sit,
- back,
- back rest,
- back up,
- backbone,
- backer,
- backing,
- backing up,
- backstop,
- backup,
- bandage,
- bandeau,
- bankroll,
- base,
- beam,
- bear,
- bear out,
- bear up,
- bear with,
- bearer,
- bearing out,
- beef up,
- benefit,
- bid fair,
- bide,
- bit player,
- block,
- blow to,
- bolster,
- bolster up,
- bolstering,
- boost,
- bounty,
- bra,
- brace,
- brace up,
- bracer,
- bracket,
- brassiere,
- brave,
- bread,
- brook,
- buck up,
- buff,
- buoy up,
- buttress,
- buttressing,
- cane,
- capitalization,
- capitalize,
- care,
- care for,
- carrier,
- carry,
- case harden,
- certification,
- certify,
- cervix,
- champion,
- chaperon,
- cheer,
- cherish,
- circumstantiate,
- circumstantiation,
- clothe,
- column,
- comfort,
- commend,
- compliance,
- concurrence,
- condolence,
- confirm,
- confirmation,
- consent,
- conservancy,
- conservation,
- conservationism,
- conserve,
- consolation,
- contend for,
- contribute,
- copyright,
- corroborate,
- corroboration,
- corroboratory evidence,
- corset,
- cosign,
- countenance,
- counter,
- countersign,
- cradle,
- create a role,
- crook,
- crosstree,
- crutch,
- cry up,
- cue rest,
- cushion,
- daily bread,
- defend,
- defender,
- deficit financing,
- dependence,
- depict,
- depletion allowance,
- document,
- documentation,
- dole,
- donate,
- ease,
- easel,
- easement,
- economic support,
- elect,
- embolden,
- enact,
- encourage,
- encouragement,
- encourager,
- endorse,
- endorser,
- endow,
- endowment,
- endure,
- environmental conservation,
- espouse,
- exponent,
- extra,
- face,
- fan,
- favor,
- favorer,
- fellowship,
- figurant,
- figurante,
- fill,
- fill up,
- finance,
- finances,
- financial assistance,
- financial backing,
- financial support,
- financing,
- find,
- forest conservation,
- forest management,
- fortification,
- fortify,
- fortifying,
- forward,
- foster,
- foundation,
- foundation garment,
- frame,
- friend at court,
- fulcrum,
- fund,
- funding,
- furnish,
- general agreement,
- gird,
- girdle,
- give,
- give hope,
- give permission,
- give support,
- give the go-ahead,
- give the imprimatur,
- give thumbs up,
- go,
- go treat,
- good offices,
- grant,
- grant-in-aid,
- grubstake,
- guaranteed annual income,
- guard,
- guy,
- guywire,
- hand,
- hang in,
- hang in there,
- hang tough,
- harden,
- have good prospects,
- hearten,
- hearty assent,
- heel,
- help,
- hob,
- hod,
- hold,
- hold out hope,
- hold out promise,
- hold up,
- hype,
- impersonate,
- initial,
- inspire,
- inspire hope,
- inspirit,
- invest,
- invigorate,
- jack,
- jock,
- jockstrap,
- justify hope,
- keep,
- keep afloat,
- keep alive,
- keep intact,
- keep inviolate,
- keep safe,
- keep up,
- keep watch over,
- keeping,
- lap,
- lend support,
- lift,
- livelihood,
- living,
- look after,
- look out for,
- look to,
- lover,
- lump,
- lump it,
- mainstay,
- maintain,
- maintainer,
- maintenance,
- make a plea,
- make available,
- make fair promise,
- make provision for,
- manna,
- mast,
- matronize,
- maulstick,
- meat,
- mind,
- minister to,
- ministration,
- ministry,
- mother,
- mothering,
- music stand,
- mute,
- neck,
- nerve,
- nominate,
- not destroy,
- not endanger,
- not expend,
- not use up,
- not waste,
- notarize,
- nourishment,
- nurse,
- nurture,
- nutriment,
- office,
- offices,
- old-age insurance,
- pabulum,
- pap,
- paranymph,
- partisan,
- pass,
- pass on,
- pass upon,
- patent,
- patron,
- patronization,
- patronize,
- pay for,
- pay the bill,
- pay the bills,
- paying the bills,
- pecuniary aid,
- pension,
- pension off,
- permit,
- persevere,
- personate,
- pillar,
- pillow,
- play a part,
- play a role,
- play opposite,
- plead for,
- plug,
- portray,
- prepare,
- present,
- preserval,
- preservation,
- preserve,
- price support,
- probate,
- promise,
- promote,
- promoter,
- proof,
- prop,
- prop up,
- protagonist,
- protect,
- protection,
- protege,
- prove,
- provide,
- provide for,
- proving,
- proving out,
- provision,
- provision of capital,
- public assistance,
- public welfare,
- puff,
- pull,
- put up with,
- raise expectations,
- raise hope,
- raker,
- ratification,
- ratify,
- ratline,
- reassurance,
- reassure,
- rebut,
- recommend,
- recruit,
- refection,
- refinance,
- refresh,
- refreshment,
- refute,
- register,
- reinforce,
- reinforcement,
- reinforcements,
- reinforcer,
- reinvigorate,
- reliance,
- relief,
- remedy,
- replenish,
- reply,
- represent,
- rescue,
- reserve forces,
- reserves,
- respond,
- rest,
- resting place,
- restrengthen,
- retirement benefits,
- rib,
- ride herd on,
- rigging,
- riposte,
- rubber stamp,
- safekeeping,
- salt,
- salvage,
- salvation,
- sanction,
- save,
- saving,
- say amen to,
- say in defense,
- scholarship,
- scissors truss,
- seal,
- second,
- seconder,
- sectary,
- see after,
- see to,
- service,
- set up,
- shepherd,
- shoe,
- shore,
- shore up,
- shoring,
- shoulder,
- shred of comfort,
- shroud,
- side with,
- sider,
- sign,
- sign and seal,
- skid,
- soil conservation,
- solace,
- solacement,
- sole,
- spare,
- spare the price,
- speak for,
- speak highly of,
- speak up for,
- speak warmly of,
- speak well of,
- spear-carrier,
- spine,
- splint,
- sponsor,
- sponsorship,
- sprit,
- staff,
- stake,
- stalwart,
- stand,
- stand by,
- stand drinks,
- stand for,
- stand to,
- stand treat,
- stand up for,
- stand-in,
- standby,
- standing rigging,
- standing treat,
- stave,
- stay,
- steel,
- stick,
- stick up for,
- stiffen,
- stiffener,
- stilts,
- stipend,
- stirrup,
- stock,
- stomach,
- store,
- stream conservation,
- strengthen,
- strengthener,
- strengthening,
- strut,
- submit to,
- subscribe to,
- subsidization,
- subsidize,
- subsidy,
- subsistence,
- substantiate,
- substantiation,
- substitute,
- substructure,
- subvention,
- subventionize,
- succor,
- suffer,
- supe,
- super,
- supernumerary,
- supply,
- supporter,
- supporting actor,
- supporting cast,
- supporting evidence,
- sustain,
- sustain a part,
- sustainer,
- sustainment,
- sustenance,
- sustentation,
- swallow,
- swear and affirm,
- swear to,
- sympathizer,
- sympathy,
- take,
- take a part,
- take care of,
- take charge of,
- tax benefit,
- temper,
- tend,
- tender loving care,
- therapy,
- tolerate,
- toughen,
- tout,
- treat,
- treat to,
- tripod,
- trivet,
- truss,
- underbrace,
- undergird,
- undergirding,
- undergo,
- underlie,
- underpin,
- underpinning,
- underset,
- undersign,
- understudy,
- underwrite,
- upbear,
- uphold,
- upholder,
- upkeep,
- urge reasons for,
- validate,
- validation,
- verification,
- verify,
- visa,
- vise,
- votary,
- vote,
- vouch for,
- walk-on,
- walking gentleman,
- walking stick,
- warm assent,
- warrant,
- watch,
- watch out for,
- watch over,
- water conservation,
- weather,
- welcome,
- welfare,
- welfare aid,
- welfare payments,
- well afford,
- well-wisher,
- wetlands conservation,
- wildlife conservation,
- withstand,
- yield