performance given by a traveling company of acrobats clowns and trained animals; "the children always love to go to the circus"
a frenetic disorganized (and often comic) disturbance suggestive of a large public entertainment; "it was so funny it was a circus"; "the whole occasion had a carnival atmosphere"
a genus of haws comprising the harriers
an arena consisting of an oval or circular area enclosed by tiers of seats and usually covered by a tent; "they used the elephants to help put up the circus"
(antiquity) an open-air stadium for chariot races and gladiatorial games
a travelling company of entertainers; including trained animals; "he ran away from home to join the circus"
mercantile establishment consisting of a carefully landscaped complex of shops representing leading merchandisers; usually includes restaurants and a convenient parking area; a modern version of the traditional marketplace; "a good plaza should have a movie house"; "they spent their weekends at the local malls"
a public square with room for pedestrians; "they met at Elm Plaza"; "Grosvenor Place"
make understandable to the general public; "Carl Sagan popularized cosmology in his books"
cater to popular taste to make popular and present to the general public; bring into general or common use; "They popularized coffee in Washington State"; "Relativity Theory was vulgarized by these authors"
give heed (to); "The children in the audience attended the recital quietly"; "She hung on his every word"; "They attended to everything he said"
take charge of or deal with; "Could you see about lunch?"; "I must attend to this matter"; "She took care of this business"
be present at (meetings, church services, university), etc.; "She attends class regularly"; "I rarely attend services at my church"; "did you go to the meeting?"
to accompany as a circumstance or follow as a result; "Menuhin's playing was attended by a 15-minute standing ovation"
come into sight or view; "He suddenly appeared at the wedding"; "A new star appeared on the horizon"
come into being or existence, or appear on the scene; "Then the computer came along and changed our lives"; "Homo sapiens appeared millions of years ago"
be issued or published; "Did your latest book appear yet?"; "The new Woody Allen film hasn't come out yet"
appear as a character on stage or appear in a play, etc.; "Gielgud appears briefly in this movie"; "She appeared in `Hamlet' on the London stage"
seem to be true, probable, or apparent; "It seems that he is very gifted"; "It appears that the weather in California is very bad"
present oneself formally, as before a (judicial) authority; "He had to appear in court last month"; "She appeared on several charges of theft"
a serialized program usually dealing with sentimentalized family matters that is broadcast on radio or television (frequently sponsored by a company advertising soap products)