Exact Match:
- witness
- testimony by word or deed to your religious faith
- someone who sees an event and reports what happened
- (law) a person who attests to the genuineness of a document or signature by adding their own signature
- (law) a person who testifies under oath in a court of law
- be a witness to; "She witnessed the accident and had to testify in court"
- perceive or be contemporaneous with; "We found Republicans winning the offices"; "You'll see a lot of cheating in this school"; "The 1960's saw the rebellion of the younger generation against established traditions"; "I want to see results"
- TV-viewer,
- accessory,
- acknowledge,
- admission,
- adviser,
- affidavit,
- affirm,
- affirmation,
- allegation,
- allege,
- announce,
- announcer,
- annunciator,
- appear,
- argue,
- assertion,
- asseverate,
- asseveration,
- assister,
- attend,
- attest,
- attestant,
- attestation,
- attestator,
- attester,
- authority,
- authorization,
- aver,
- averment,
- avouch,
- avouchment,
- avow,
- avowal,
- be at,
- be present at,
- bear witness,
- behold,
- beholder,
- bespeak,
- betoken,
- bill of health,
- bird-watcher,
- bystander,
- catch,
- catch sight of,
- certificate,
- certificate of proficiency,
- certification,
- certify,
- channel,
- clap eyes on,
- cojuror,
- come to,
- communicant,
- communicator,
- compurgation,
- compurgator,
- confirmation,
- credential,
- declaration,
- defendant,
- depone,
- deponent,
- depose,
- deposition,
- descry,
- diploma,
- discern,
- disclose,
- disclosure,
- discover,
- distinguish,
- do,
- drugstore cowboy,
- earwitness,
- endorse,
- enlightener,
- espy,
- evidence,
- examinant,
- examinate,
- examinee,
- expert witness,
- eyewitness,
- gaper,
- gazer,
- gazer-on,
- girl-watcher,
- give evidence,
- glimpse,
- go to,
- goggler,
- gossipmonger,
- grapevine,
- have in sight,
- informant,
- information center,
- information medium,
- informer,
- instrument in proof,
- interviewee,
- ken,
- kibitzer,
- lay eyes on,
- legal evidence,
- litigant,
- litigationist,
- litigator,
- look on,
- look upon,
- looker,
- looker-on,
- make out,
- monitor,
- mouthpiece,
- navicert,
- newsmonger,
- notarized statement,
- note,
- notice,
- notifier,
- observe,
- observer,
- ogler,
- onlooker,
- panel,
- parties litigant,
- party,
- passerby,
- perceive,
- perceiver,
- percipient,
- pick out,
- plaintiff,
- press,
- profession,
- proof,
- public relations officer,
- publisher,
- questionee,
- quizzee,
- radio,
- recognize,
- reporter,
- see,
- seer,
- sheepskin,
- show up,
- sidewalk superintendent,
- sight,
- sit in,
- source,
- spectator,
- spectatress,
- spectatrix,
- spokesman,
- spot,
- spy,
- statement,
- subject,
- subscribe,
- suitor,
- swear,
- swearer,
- sworn evidence,
- sworn statement,
- sworn testimony,
- take in,
- televiewer,
- television,
- television-viewer,
- teller,
- testament,
- testamur,
- testifier,
- testify,
- testimonial,
- testimonium,
- testimony,
- ticket,
- tipster,
- tout,
- turn up,
- twig,
- video-gazer,
- view,
- viewer,
- visa,
- vise,
- visit,
- vouch,
- voucher,
- warrant,
- warranty,
- watch,
- watcher,
- word