(law) the residence where you have your permanent home or principal establishment and to where, whenever you are absent, you intend to return; every person is compelled to have one and only one domicile at a time; "what's his legal residence?"
obtainable or accessible and ready for use or service; "kept a fire extinguisher available"; "much information is available through computers"; "available in many colors"; "the list of available candidates is unusually long"
convenient for use or disposal; "the house is available after July 1"; "2000 square feet of usable office space"
not busy; not otherwise committed; "he was not available for comment"; "he was available and willing to accompany her"
a fact about the whole (as opposed to particular); "he discussed the general but neglected the particular"
a general officer of the highest rank
the head of a religious order or congregation
prevailing among and common to the general public; "the general discontent"
not specialized or limited to one class of things; "general studies"; "general knowledge"
applying to all or most members of a category or group; "the general public"; "general assistance"; "a general rule"; "in general terms"; "comprehensible to the general reader"
of national scope; "a general election"
affecting the entire body; "a general anesthetic"; "general symptoms"
somewhat indefinite; "bearing a general resemblance to the original"; "a general description of the merchandise"
command as a general; "We are generaled by an incompetent!"
a political organization within the Democratic Party in New York City (late 1800's and early 1900's) seeking political control by corruption and bossism