a particular instance of selling; "he has just made his first sale"; "they had to complete the sale before the banks closed"
the general activity of selling; "they tried to boost sales"; "laws limit the sale of handguns"
an occasion (usually brief) for buying at specially reduced prices; "they held a sale to reduce their inventory"; "I got some great bargains at their annual sale"
an agreement (or contract) in which property is transferred from the seller (vendor) to the buyer (vendee) for a fixed price in money (paid or agreed to be paid by the buyer); "the salesman faxed the sales agreement to his home office"
the state of being purchasable; offered or exhibited for selling; "you'll find vitamin C for sale at most pharmacies"; "the new line of cars will soon be on sale"
the organic phenomenon in which one of a pair of alleles present in a genotype is expressed in the phenotype and the other allele of the pair is not
the state that exists when one person or group has power over another; "her apparent dominance of her husband was really her attempt to make him pay attention to her"
designed for or capable of a particular function or use; "a style of writing in which every word is functional"; "functional architecture"
involving or affecting function rather than physiology; "functional deafness"
designed for or adapted to a function or use; "functional education selects knowledge that is concrete and usable rather than abstract and theoretical"; "functional architecture"
fit or ready for use or service; "the toaster was still functional even after being dropped"; "the lawnmower is a bit rusty but still usable"; "an operational aircraft"; "the dishwasher is now in working order"
relating to or based on function especially as opposed to structure; "the problem now is not a constitutional one; it is a functional one"; "delegates elected on a functional rather than a geographical basis"
something of value given by one person to another to bind a contract
characterized by a firm and humorless belief in the validity of your opinions; "both sides were deeply in earnest, even passionate"; "an entirely sincere and cruel tyrant"; "a film with a solemn social message"
displaying or setting off to best advantage; "a becoming new shade of rose"; "a becoming portrait"
according with custom or propriety; "her becoming modesty"; "comely behavior"; "it is not comme il faut for a gentleman to be constantly asking for money"; "a decent burial"; "seemly behavior"
away from the outer edge; "an inner lane"; "the inside lane"
relating to or being on the side closer to the center or within a defined space; "he reached into his inside jacket pocket"; "inside out"; "an inside pitch is between home plate and the batter"
confined to an exclusive group; "privy to inner knowledge"; "inside information"; "privileged information"
having or indicating good health in body or mind; free from infirmity or disease; "a rosy healthy baby"; "staying fit and healthy"
exercising or showing good judgment; "healthy scepticism"; "a healthy fear of rattlesnakes"; "the healthy attitude of French laws"; "healthy relations between labor and management"; "an intelligent solution"; "a sound approach to the problem"; "sound advice"; "no sound explanation for his decision"
financially secure and functioning well; "a healthy economy"
promoting health; healthful; "a healthy diet"; "clean healthy air"; "plenty of healthy sleep"; "healthy and normal outlets for youthful energy"; "the salubrious mountain air and water"- C.B.Davis; "carrots are good for you"
fruit (especially peach) whose flesh adheres strongly to the pit
hold on tightly or tenaciously; "hang on to your father's hands"; "The child clung to his mother's apron"
come or be in close contact with; stick or hold together and resist separation; "The dress clings to her body"; "The label stuck to the box"; "The sushi rice grains cohere"
to remain emotionally or intellectually attached; "He clings to the idea that she might still love him."