Exact Match:
- aura
- an indication of radiant light drawn around the head of a saint
- a sensation (as of a cold breeze or bright light) that precedes the onset of certain disorders such as a migraine attack or epileptic seizure
- air,
- ambiance,
- ambience,
- anthelion,
- antisun,
- appearance,
- aroma,
- aspect,
- atmosphere,
- aureole,
- blaze of glory,
- brilliance,
- brilliancy,
- character,
- charisma,
- circle,
- climate,
- corona,
- countersun,
- ectoplasm,
- ectoplasy,
- effluvium,
- emanation,
- envelope,
- exteriorized protoplasm,
- feel,
- feeling,
- glamour,
- glory,
- halo,
- illustriousness,
- lunar corona,
- lunar halo,
- luster,
- magic,
- milieu,
- mock moon,
- mock sun,
- mood,
- moon dog,
- mystique,
- nimbus,
- note,
- numinousness,
- odor,
- overtone,
- paraselene,
- parhelic circle,
- parhelion,
- quality,
- radiance,
- rainbow,
- resplendence,
- resplendency,
- ring,
- semblance,
- sense,
- solar corona,
- solar halo,
- spirit,
- splendor,
- suggestion,
- sun dog,
- tone,
- undertone