improperly forward or bold; "don't be fresh with me"; "impertinent of a child to lecture a grownup"; "an impudent boy given to insulting strangers"; "Don't get wise with me!"
not yet used or soiled; "a fresh shirt"; "a fresh sheet of paper"; "an unused envelope"
recently made, produced, or harvested; "fresh bread"; "a fresh scent"
not rotten
not canned or otherwise preserved; "fresh vegetables"
not containing or composed of salt water; "fresh water"
(of a cycle) beginning or occurring again; "a fresh start"; "fresh ideas"
original and of a kind not seen before; "the computer produced a completely novel proof of a well-known theorem"
not soured or preserved; "sweet milk"
with restored energy
having recently calved and therefore able to give milk; "the cow is fresh"
occurring at a convenient or suitable time; "an opportune time to receive guests"
(of winds or weather) tending to promote or facilitate; "the days were fair and the winds were favorable"
encouraging or approving or pleasing; "a favorable reply"; "he received a favorable rating"; "listened with a favorable ear"; "made a favorable impression"
favorably disposed; not antagonistic; "a government favorable to our interests"
being or characterized by concepts or their formation; "conceptual discussions"; "the schizophrenic loses ability to abstract or do conceptual thinking"; "sex is a notional category, gender is a grammatical category"