substitute a person or thing for (another that is broken or inefficient or lost or no longer working or yielding what is expected); "He replaced the old razor blade"; "We need to replace the secretary that left a month ago"; "the insurance will replace the lost income"; "This antique vase can never be replaced"
put something back where it belongs; "replace the book on the shelf after you have finished reading it"; "please put the clean dishes back in the cabinet when you have washed them"
a difference that is usually pleasant; "he goes to France for variety"; "it is a refreshing change to meet a woman mechanic"
(biology) a taxonomic category consisting of members of a species that differ from others of the same species in minor but heritable characteristics; "varieties are frequently recognized in botany"
vegetation that has grown; "a growth of trees"; "the only growth was some salt grass"
something grown or growing; "a growth of hair"
(biology) the process of an individual organism growing organically; a purely biological unfolding of events involved in an organism changing gradually from a simple to a more complex level; "he proposed an indicator of osseous development in children"
a progression from simpler to more complex forms; "the growth of culture"
(pathology) an abnormal proliferation of tissue (as in a tumor)
a stolen base; an instance in which a base runner advances safely during the delivery of a pitch (without the help of a hit or walk or passed ball or wild pitch)
steal a base
move stealthily; "The ship slipped away in the darkness"
take without the owner's consent; "Someone stole my wallet on the train"; "This author stole entire paragraphs from my dissertation"
used of a group whose members acted or were acted upon collectively and when `all' and `together' can be separated by other words; "they were herded all together"; "they were all herded together"; "the books lay all together in a heap"; "the books all lay together..."
all at the same time; "Let's say `Yes!' all at once"
lose clarity or turn aside especially from the main subject of attention or course of argument in writing, thinking, or speaking; "She always digresses when telling a story"; "her mind wanders"; "Don't digress when you give a lecture"