a quantity of no importance; "it looked like nothing I had ever seen before"; "reduced to nil all the work we had done"; "we racked up a pathetic goose egg"; "it was all for naught"; "I didn't hear zilch about it"
in no way; to no degree; "he looks nothing like his father"
the level of official classification for documents next above restricted and below secret; available only to persons authorized to see documents so classified
denoting confidence or intimacy; "a confidential approach"; "in confidential tone of voice"
(of information) given in confidence or in secret; "this arrangement must be kept confidential"; "their secret communications"
entrusted with private information and the confidence of another; "a confidential secretary"
a gentle affectionate stroking (or something resembling it); "he showered her with caresses"; "soft music was a fond caress"; "the caresses of the breeze played over his face"
touch or stroke lightly in a loving or endearing manner; "He caressed her face"; "They caressed in the back seat of the taxi"
in a close relation or position in time or space; "the onsets were closely timed"; "houses set closely together"; "was closely involved in monitoring daily progress"
in a close manner; "the two phenomena are intimately connected"; "the person most nearly concerned"
any object that can be used to hold things (especially a large metal boxlike object of standardized dimensions that can be loaded from one form of transport to another)