having or showing appreciation or a favorable critical judgment or opinion; "appreciative of a beautiful landscape"; "an appreciative laugh from the audience"
feeling or expressive of gratitude; "was appreciative of his efforts"; "an appreciative word"
a detailed plan or explanation to guide you in setting standards or determining a course of action; "the president said he had a road map for normalizing relations with Vietnam"
a short account of the news; "the report of his speech"; "the story was on the 11 o'clock news"; "the account of his speech that was given on the evening news made the governor furious"
the act of informing by verbal report; "he heard reports that they were causing trouble"; "by all accounts they were a happy couple"
a written document describing the findings of some individual or group; "this accords with the recent study by Hill and Dale"
a sharp explosive sound (especially the sound of a gun firing); "they heard a violent report followed by silence"
to give an account or representation of in words; "Discreet Italian police described it in a manner typically continental"
make known to the authorities; "One student reported the other to the principal"
complain about; make a charge against; "I reported her to the supervisor"
announce one's presence; "I report to work every day at 9 o'clock"
announce as the result of an investigation, or announce something to the proper authorities; "Dozens of incidents of wife beatings are reported daily in this city"; "The team reported significant advances in their research"
be responsible for reporting the details of, as in journalism; "Snow reported on China in the 1950's"; "The cub reporter covered New York City"
conforming exactly or almost exactly to fact or to a standard or performing with total accuracy; "an accurate reproduction"; "the accounting was accurate"; "accurate measurements"; "an accurate scale"
(of ideas, images, representations, expressions) characterized by perfect conformity to fact or truth ; strictly correct; "a precise image"; "a precise measurement"
being of crucial importance; "a pivotal event"; "Its pivotal location has also exposed it to periodic invasions"- Henry Kissinger; "the polar events of this study"; "a polar principal"
difficult to accomplish; demanding considerable mental effort and skill; "the arduous work of preparing a dictionary"
characterized by toilsome effort to the point of exhaustion; especially physical effort; "worked their arduous way up the mining valley"; "a grueling campaign"; "hard labor"; "heavy work"; "heavy going"; "spent many laborious hours on the project"; "set a punishing pace"
taxing to the utmost; testing powers of endurance; "his final, straining burst of speed"; "a strenuous task"; "your willingness after these six arduous days to remain here"- F.D.Roosevelt
the profession or art of a writer; "her place in literature is secure"
the humanistic study of a body of literature; "he took a course in Russian lit"
creative writing of recognized artistic value
published writings in a particular style on a particular subject; "the technical literature"; "one aspect of Waterloo has not yet been treated in the literature"
acting or arriving or performed exactly at the time appointed; "she expected guests to be punctual at meals"; "he is not a particularly punctual person"; "punctual payment"
showing or affected by prejudice or envy or distaste; "looked with a jaundiced eye on the growth of regimentation"; "takes a jaundiced view of societies and clubs"
affected by jaundice which causes yellowing of skin etc
developed or executed with care and in minute detail; "a detailed plan"; "the elaborate register of the inhabitants prevented tax evasion"- John Buchan; "the carefully elaborated theme"
a coupling that connects or disconnects driving and driven parts of a driving mechanism; "this year's model has an improved clutch"
a pedal or lever that engages or disengages a rotating shaft and a driving mechanism; "he smoothely released the clutch with one foot and stepped on the gas with the other"
a number of birds hatched at the same time
a tense critical situation; "he is a good man in the clutch"
a book (or manuscript) consisting of large sheets of paper folded in the middle to make two leaves or four pages; "the first folio of Shakespeare's plays"