Exact Match:
- fix
- an exemption granted after influence (e.g., money) is brought to bear; "collusion resulted in tax fixes for gamblers"
- something craved, especially an intravenous injection of a narcotic drug; "she needed a fix of chocolate"
- informal terms for a difficult situation; "he got into a terrible fix"; "he made a muddle of his marriage"
- make ready or suitable or equip in advance for a particular purpose or for some use, event, etc; "Get the children ready for school!"; "prepare for war"; "I was fixing to leave town after I paid the hotel bill"
- kill, preserve, and harden (tissue) in order to prepare for microscopic study
- set or place definitely; "Let's fix the date for the party!"
- KO,
- acclimate,
- acclimatize,
- accommodate,
- accord,
- accustom,
- adapt,
- adjust,
- adjust to,
- affix,
- afford proof of,
- aim,
- aim at,
- align,
- allocate,
- allot,
- alter,
- amend,
- anchor,
- annex,
- antitoxin,
- apportion,
- approach,
- arrange,
- array,
- ascertain,
- aspect,
- assign,
- assimilate,
- assure,
- astronavigation,
- attach,
- attend to,
- attitude,
- attune,
- auger,
- azimuth,
- baffle,
- bafflement,
- bag,
- bang,
- base,
- be quits,
- bearing,
- bearings,
- beat,
- beat all hollow,
- beat hollow,
- bed,
- belay,
- bend,
- best,
- bewilderment,
- bite,
- blast,
- block out,
- blot out,
- booster,
- booster dose,
- booster shot,
- bore,
- bother,
- bound,
- box,
- break,
- break in,
- bribe,
- brighten up,
- bring home to,
- broach,
- brush up,
- build,
- build in,
- bump off,
- buy,
- buy off,
- carve,
- case,
- case harden,
- cast,
- castrate,
- catch,
- celestial navigation,
- cement,
- certify,
- change,
- chart,
- chisel,
- chronometer,
- cinch,
- circle in,
- circumscribe,
- circumstance,
- clamp,
- clear for action,
- clear the decks,
- clear up,
- clinch,
- close,
- close with,
- coastwise navigation,
- cobble,
- codify,
- collocate,
- come down on,
- commission,
- compose,
- concenter,
- concentrate,
- conclude,
- condition,
- confirm,
- confoundment,
- confusion,
- consolan,
- cook,
- cook up,
- coordinate,
- corner,
- corrupt,
- count,
- countersink,
- cramp,
- create,
- croak,
- cure,
- cut,
- cut to,
- darn,
- dead reckoning,
- deal,
- deal out,
- decide,
- deck,
- decrease,
- deep-dye,
- defeat,
- define,
- delimit,
- delimitate,
- demarcate,
- demonstrate,
- denominate,
- deploy,
- desexualize,
- designate,
- destroy,
- determine,
- dilemma,
- direct,
- directionize,
- discomposure,
- disconcert,
- disconcertedness,
- disconcertion,
- disconcertment,
- dish,
- dismiss all doubt,
- dispose,
- distribute,
- disturbance,
- divide,
- do for,
- do in,
- do up,
- doctor,
- domesticate,
- domesticize,
- dose,
- draft,
- dress,
- drill,
- dropping,
- drub,
- drug packet,
- efform,
- emasculate,
- embarrassment,
- embed,
- emend,
- empierce,
- emplace,
- enclose,
- engraft,
- engrave,
- enigma,
- ensure,
- entrench,
- equalize,
- erase,
- establish,
- estate,
- etch,
- eunuchize,
- even the score,
- exposure,
- familiarize,
- fashion,
- fasten,
- figure,
- find,
- find out,
- fit,
- fix on,
- fix up,
- fixate,
- focus,
- follow,
- follow from,
- footing,
- forge,
- form,
- formalize,
- found,
- frame,
- frame up,
- freshen,
- frontage,
- furbish,
- furbish up,
- gear to,
- geld,
- gentle,
- get,
- get a fix,
- get at,
- get even with,
- get ready,
- get to,
- give it to,
- give the business,
- gore,
- gouge,
- gouge out,
- graft,
- grapple,
- grease,
- grease the palm,
- ground,
- gun down,
- habituate,
- harden,
- harmonize,
- have,
- have a case,
- hew,
- hide,
- hit,
- hold good,
- hold on,
- hold water,
- hole,
- home in on,
- homologate,
- homologize,
- honeycomb,
- hors de combat,
- housebreak,
- hypodermic,
- hypodermic injection,
- ice,
- impact,
- impale,
- implant,
- impress,
- imprint,
- increase,
- inculcate,
- indicate,
- infix,
- ingrain,
- injection,
- inoculation,
- inscribe,
- install,
- instill,
- insure,
- inure,
- invest,
- jam,
- jet injection,
- key to,
- knead,
- knit,
- knock out,
- lambaste,
- lance,
- lather,
- lay,
- lay off,
- lay out,
- lay the foundation,
- level at,
- lick,
- lick into shape,
- lie,
- line,
- line of position,
- line up,
- localize,
- locate,
- location,
- lodge,
- loran,
- lot,
- lubricate,
- mainlining,
- make,
- make a decision,
- make arrangements,
- make certain,
- make fast,
- make good,
- make no doubt,
- make no mistake,
- make out,
- make plumb,
- make preparations,
- make quits,
- make ready,
- make sure,
- make sure of,
- make uniform,
- make up,
- mark,
- mark boundaries,
- mark off,
- mark out,
- mark the periphery,
- marshal,
- measure,
- mend,
- mention,
- methodize,
- mint,
- mobilize,
- modality,
- mode,
- model,
- mold,
- moor,
- mutilate,
- mystery,
- nail down,
- name,
- narcotic injection,
- narcotic shot,
- naturalize,
- navigate,
- needle,
- neuter,
- nonplus,
- normalize,
- number,
- off,
- organize,
- orient,
- orientate,
- orientation,
- outclass,
- outdo,
- outfight,
- outgeneral,
- outmaneuver,
- outpoint,
- outrun,
- outsail,
- outshine,
- overdose,
- overhaul,
- pack,
- pack the deal,
- parcel,
- parcel out,
- pass,
- patch,
- patch up,
- pay,
- pay off,
- pay out,
- penetrate,
- perforate,
- perplexity,
- perturbation,
- pick out,
- pickle,
- pierce,
- pilotage,
- pin down,
- pink,
- pinpoint,
- pitch,
- place,
- plan,
- plane sailing,
- plant,
- plight,
- plot,
- point,
- point at,
- point out,
- point to,
- point-to-point navigation,
- polish,
- polish off,
- polish up,
- popping,
- portion,
- position,
- position line,
- posture,
- pother,
- potion,
- prearrange,
- preconcert,
- precontrive,
- predesign,
- predicament,
- premeditate,
- preorder,
- prep,
- prepare,
- present,
- pretreat,
- prick,
- print,
- problem,
- process,
- proportion,
- prove,
- prove to be,
- prove true,
- provide,
- punch,
- puncture,
- punish,
- purchase,
- purpose,
- put,
- put in,
- put in commission,
- put in order,
- put in place,
- put in repair,
- put in shape,
- put in tune,
- put to,
- put up,
- puzzle,
- puzzlement,
- quandary,
- quantify,
- quantize,
- radar,
- radio beacon,
- radio bearing,
- radio navigation,
- rally,
- range,
- rank,
- rate,
- rationalize,
- reach,
- ready,
- ready up,
- ream,
- ream out,
- reassure,
- rebuild,
- recap,
- reconcile,
- recondition,
- reconstruct,
- rectify,
- reduce,
- regiment,
- regularize,
- regulate,
- remove all doubt,
- renovate,
- repair,
- resolve,
- retouch,
- retread,
- revamp,
- revise,
- revive,
- riddle,
- rig,
- right,
- rivet,
- root,
- rope off,
- rough out,
- roughcast,
- roughhew,
- routinize,
- rub out,
- rub up,
- ruin,
- rule,
- run through,
- scheme,
- scrape,
- screw up,
- sculpt,
- sculpture,
- scuttle,
- seal,
- season,
- seat,
- secure,
- see that,
- see to it,
- select,
- serve one out,
- service,
- set,
- set at rest,
- set in,
- set out,
- set right,
- set the limit,
- set to,
- set to rights,
- set up,
- settle,
- settle preliminaries,
- settle the matter,
- settle the score,
- settle with,
- sew up,
- sextant,
- shape,
- shine,
- shoot down,
- shooting up,
- shoran,
- shot,
- show,
- sight on,
- signify,
- similarize,
- sink,
- situate,
- situation,
- skewer,
- skin,
- skin alive,
- skin-popping,
- sofar,
- sonar,
- sop,
- sort out,
- space,
- spay,
- spear,
- specialize,
- specify,
- spike,
- spit,
- spot,
- spruce,
- spruce up,
- square,
- square accounts,
- stab,
- stabilize,
- stack the cards,
- stake out,
- stamp,
- standardize,
- standing,
- state,
- station,
- status,
- steady,
- stereotype,
- stew,
- stick,
- stipulate,
- straighten out,
- suborn,
- surround,
- sync,
- synchronize,
- systematize,
- tables,
- tailor,
- take a resolution,
- take care of,
- take revenge,
- tame,
- tamper with,
- tan,
- tap,
- thermoform,
- thrash,
- tickle the palm,
- tighten,
- tinker,
- tinker up,
- tone up,
- torpedo,
- touch up,
- train,
- train upon,
- transfix,
- transpierce,
- treat,
- trepan,
- trephine,
- triangulate,
- trice up,
- trim,
- trim to,
- triumph over,
- trounce,
- true,
- true up,
- try out,
- tune,
- tune up,
- turn,
- turn upon,
- unassuredness,
- undo,
- unsex,
- upset,
- vaccination,
- vaccine,
- vamp,
- vamp up,
- vest,
- waste,
- wedge,
- whip,
- will,
- wipe out,
- wont,
- work,
- work out,
- worst,
- zap,
- zero in on