the human embodiment of something; "the soul of honor"
a secular form of gospel that was a major Black musical genre in the 1960s and 1970s; "soul was politically significant during the Civil Rights movement"
deep feeling or emotion
the immaterial part of a person; the actuating cause of an individual life
exasperatingly difficult to handle or circumvent; "a nasty problem"; "a good man to have on your side in a tight situation"
offensive or even (of persons) malicious; "in a nasty mood"; "a nasty accident"; "a nasty shock"; "a nasty smell"; "a nasty trick to pull"; "Will he say nasty things at my funeral?"- Ezra Pound
in fear or dread of possible evil or harm; "apprehensive for one's life"; "apprehensive of danger"
mentally upset over possible misfortune or danger etc; "apprehensive about her job"; "not used to a city and worried about small things"; "felt apprehensive about the consequences"
quick to understand; "a kind and apprehensive friend"- Nathaniel Hawthorne
temperament or disposition; "a person of hot blood"
the fluid (red in vertebrates) that is pumped by the heart; "blood carries oxygen and nutrients to the tissues and carries waste products away"; "the ancients believed that blood was the seat of the emotions"
people viewed as members of a group; "we need more young blood in this organization"
smear with blood, as in a hunting initiation rite, where the face of a person is smeared with the blood of the kill