any of various mostly cold-blooded aquatic vertebrates usually having scales and breathing through gills; "the shark is a large fish"; "in the living room there was a tank of colorful fish"
the flesh of fish used as food; "in Japan most fish is eaten raw"; "after the scare about foot-and-mouth disease a lot of people started eating fish instead of meat"; "they have a chef who specializes in fish"
catch or try to catch fish or shellfish; "I like to go fishing on weekends"
the act of rotating as if on an axis; "the rotation of the dancer kept time with the music"
a planned recurrent sequence (of crops or personnel etc.); "crop rotation makes a balanced demand on the fertility of the soil"; "the manager had only four starting pitchers in his rotation"
a single complete turn (axial or orbital); "the plane made three rotations before it crashed"; "the revolution of the earth about the sun takes one year"
(mathematics) a transformation in which the coordinate axes are rotated by a fixed angle about the origin
(genetics) an organism that possesses a recessive gene whose effect is masked by a dominant allele; the associated trait is not apparent but can be passed on to offspring
a rack attached to a vehicle; for carrying luggage or skis or the like
a self-propelled wheeled vehicle designed specifically to carry something; "refrigerated carriers have revolutionized the grocery business"
a person or firm in the business of transporting people or goods or messages
(medicine) a person (or animal) who has some pathogen to which he is immune but who can pass it on to others
a boy who delivers newspapers
someone whose employment involves carrying something; "the bonds were transmitted by carrier"
an inactive substance that is a vehicle for a radioactive tracer of the same substance and that assists in its recovery after some chemical reaction