measures taken as a precaution against theft or espionage or sabotage etc.; "military security has been stepped up since the recent uprising"
a guarantee that an obligation will be met
freedom from anxiety or fear; "the watch dog gave her a feeling of security"
a department responsible for the security of the institution's property and workers; "the head of security was a former policeman"
defense against financial failure; financial independence; "his pension gave him security in his old age"; "insurance provided protection against loss of wages due to illness"
property that your creditor can claim in case you default on your obligation; "bankers are reluctant to lend without good security"
a formal declaration that documents a fact of relevance to finance and investment; the holder has a right to receive interest or dividends; "he held several valuable securities"
the state of being free from danger or injury; "we support the armed services in the name of national security"
carefree and happy and lighthearted; "was loved for her blithe spirit"; "a merry blithesome nature"; "her lighthearted nature"; "trilling songs with a lightsome heart"
lacking or showing a lack of due concern; "spoke with blithe ignorance of the true situation"
limited in size or scope; "a small business"; "a newspaper with a modest circulation"; "small-scale plans"; "a pocket-size country"
inferior in number or size or amount; "a minor share of the profits"; "Ursa Minor"
lesser in scope or effect; "had minor differences"; "a minor disturbance"
not of legal age; "minor children"
of a scale or mode; "the minor keys"; "in B flat minor"
of your secondary field of academic concentration or specialization
of lesser importance or stature or rank; "a minor poet"; "had a minor part in the play"; "a minor official"; "many of these hardy adventurers were minor noblemen"; "minor back roads"
of lesser seriousness or danger; "suffered only minor injuries"; "some minor flooding"; "a minor tropical disturbance"