stop operating or functioning; "The engine finally went"; "The car died on the road"; "The bus we travelled in broke down on the way to town"; "The coffee maker broke"; "The engine failed on the way to town"; "her eyesight went after the accident"
prove insufficient; "The water supply for the town failed after a long drought"
disappoint, prove undependable to; abandon, forsake; "His sense of smell failed him this time"; "His strength finally failed him"; "His children failed him in the crisis"
become bankrupt or insolvent; fail financially and close; "The toy company went bankrupt after the competition hired cheap Mexican labor"; "A number of banks failed that year"
fall short in what is expected; "She failed in her obligations as a good daughter-in-law"; "We must not fail his obligation to the victims of the Holocaust"
fail to get a passing grade; "She studied hard but failed nevertheless"; "Did I fail the test?"
judge unacceptable; "The teacher failed six students"
be unsuccessful; "Where do today's public schools fail?"; "The attempt to rescue the hostages failed miserably"
fail to do something; leave something undone; "She failed to notice that her child was no longer in his crib"; "The secretary failed to call the customer and the company lost the account"
appoint to a clerical posts; "he was ordained in the Church"
invest with ministerial or priestly authority; "The minister was ordained only last month"
order by virtue of superior authority; decree; "The King ordained the persecution and expulsion of the Jews"; "the legislature enacted this law in 1985"
the seat within a bishop's diocese where his cathedral is located
be careful or certain to do something; make certain of something; "He verified that the valves were closed"; "See that the curtains are closed"; "control the quality of the product"
deem to be; "She views this quite differently from me"; "I consider her to be shallow"; "I don't see the situation quite as negatively as you do"
deliberate or decide; "See whether you can come tomorrow"; "let's see--which movie should we see tonight?"
match or meet; "I saw the bet of one of my fellow players"
receive as a specified guest; "the doctor will see you now"; "The minister doesn't see anybody before noon"
accompany or escort; "I'll see you to the door"
perceive by sight or have the power to perceive by sight; "You have to be a good observer to see all the details"; "Can you see the bird in that tree?"; "He is blind--he cannot see"
see and understand, have a good eye; "The artist must first learn to see"
observe as if with an eye; "The camera saw the burglary and recorded it"
go to see for professional or business reasons; "You should see a lawyer"; "We had to see a psychiatrist"
go to see for a social visit; "I went to see my friend Mary the other day"
(sports) a stroke that puts the ball in play; "his powerful serves won the game"
put the ball into play; "It was Agassi's turn to serve"
do duty or hold offices; serve in a specific function; "He served as head of the department for three years"; "She served in Congress for two terms"
provide (usually but not necessarily food); "We serve meals for the homeless"; "She dished out the soup at 8 P.M."; "The entertainers served up a lively show"
help to some food; help with food or drink; "I served him three times, and after that he helped himself"
mate with; "male animals serve the females for breeding purposes"
deliver a warrant or summons to someone; "He was processed by the sheriff"
do military service; "She served in Vietnam"; "My sons never served, because they are short-sighted"
work for or be a servant to; "May I serve you?"; "She attends the old lady in the wheelchair"; "Can you wait on our table, please?"; "Is a salesperson assisting you?"; "The minister served the King for many years"
devote (part of) one's life or efforts to, as of countries, institutions, or ideas; "She served the art of music"; "He served the church"; "serve the country"
contribute or conduce to; "The scandal served to increase his popularity"
promote, benefit, or be useful or beneficial to; "Art serves commerce"; "Their interests are served"; "The lake serves recreation"; "The President's wisdom has served the country well"
serve a purpose, role, or function; "The tree stump serves as a table"; "The female students served as a control group"; "This table would serve very well"; "His freedom served him well"; "The table functions as a desk"
spend time in prison or in a labor camp; "He did six years for embezzlement"
the elasticity of something that can be stretched and returns to its original length
proffer (a body part); "She gave her hand to her little sister"
consent to engage in sexual intercourse with a man; "She gave herself to many men"
occur; "what gives?"
estimate the duration or outcome of something; "He gave the patient three months to live"; "I gave him a very good chance at success"
dedicate; "give thought to"; "give priority to"; "pay attention to"
inflict as a punishment; "She gave the boy a good spanking"; "The judge gave me 10 years"
allow to have or take; "I give you two minutes to respond"
guide or direct, as by behavior of persuasion; "You gave me to think that you agreed with me"
submit for consideration, judgment, or use; "give one's opinion"; "give an excuse"
give entirely to a specific person, activity, or cause; "She committed herself to the work of God"; "give one's talents to a good cause"; "consecrate your life to the church"
offer in good faith; "He gave her his word"
manifest or show; "This student gives promise of real creativity"; "The office gave evidence of tampering"
convey or communicate; of a smile, a look, a physical gesture; "Throw a glance"; "She gave me a dirty look"
convey, as of a compliment, regards, attention, etc.; bestow; "Don't pay him any mind"; "give the orders"; "Give him my best regards"; "pay attention"
bestow; "give homage"; "render thanks"
accord by verdict; "give a decision for the plaintiff"
propose; "He gave the first of many toasts at the birthday party"
be flexible under stress of physical force; "This material doesn't give"
cause to happen or be responsible for; "His two singles gave the team the victory"
perform for an audience; "Pollini is giving another concert in New York"
present to view; "He gave the sign to start"
transfer possession of something concrete or abstract to somebody; "I gave her my money"; "can you give me lessons?"; "She gave the children lots of love and tender loving care"
leave with; give temporarily; "Can I give you my keys while I go in the pool?"; "Can I give you the children for the weekend?"
give as a present; make a gift of; "What will you give her for her birthday?"
convey or reveal information; "Give one's name"
give or convey physically; "She gave him First Aid"; "I gave him a punch in the nose"
give (as medicine); "I gave him the drug"
cause to have, in the abstract sense or physical sense; "She gave him a black eye"; "The draft gave me a cold"
deliver in exchange or recompense; "I'll give you three books for four CDs"
come to pass; arrive, as in due course; "The first success came three days later"; "It came as a shock"; "Dawn comes early in June"
be found or available; "These shoes come in three colors; The furniture comes unassembled"
happen as a result; "Nothing good will come of this"
reach or enter a state, relation, condition, use, or position; "The water came to a boil"; "We came to understand the true meaning of life"; "Their anger came to a boil"; "I came to realize the true meaning of life"; "The shoes came untied"; "come into contact with a terrorist group"; "his face went red"; "your wish will come true"
have a certain priority; "My family comes first"
cover a certain distance; "She came a long way"
move toward, travel toward something or somebody or approach something or somebody; "He came singing down the road"; "Come with me to the Casbah"; "come down here!"; "come out of the closet!"; "come into the room"
be received; "News came in of the massacre in Rwanda"
experience orgasm; "she could not come because she was too upset"
to be the product or result; "Melons come from a vine"; "Understanding comes from experience"
develop into; "This idea will never amount to anything"; "nothing came of his grandiose plans"
extend or reach; "The water came up to my waist"; "The sleeves come to your knuckles"
exist or occur in a certain point in a series; "Next came the student from France"
bear (a cost or penalty), in recompense for some action; "You'll pay for this!"; "She had to pay the penalty for speaking out rashly"; "You'll pay for this opinion later"
give money, usually in exchange for goods or services; "I paid four dollars for this sandwich"; "Pay the waitress, please"
discharge or settle; "pay a debt"; "pay an obligation"
do or give something to somebody in return; "Does she pay you for the work you are doing?"
make a compensation for; "a favor that cannot be paid back"
a time period usually extending from Friday night through Sunday; more loosely defined as any period of successive days including one and only one Sunday