(Bible) an agreement between God and his people in which God makes certain promises and requires certain behavior from them in return
a signed written agreement between two or more parties (nations) to perform some action
enter into a covenant or formal agreement; "They covenanted with Judas for 30 pieces of silver"; "The nations covenanted to fight terrorism around the world"
a portable container for carrying several objects; "the musicians left their instrument cases backstage"
a glass container used to store and display items in a shop or museum or home
bed linen consisting of a cover for a pillow; "the burglar carried his loot in a pillowcase"
the actual state of things; "that was not the case"
nouns or pronouns or adjectives (often marked by inflection) related in some way to other words in a sentence
a statement of facts and reasons used to support an argument; "he stated his case clearly"
a problem requiring investigation; "Perry Mason solved the case of the missing heir"
an occurrence of something; "it was a case of bad judgment"; "another instance occurred yesterday"; "but there is always the famous example of the Smiths"
a person requiring professional services; "a typical case was the suburban housewife described by a marriage counselor"
the quantity contained in a case
a specific state of mind that is temporary; "a case of the jitters"
look over, usually with the intention to rob; "They men cased the housed"
the act of bringing two things into contact (especially for communication); "the joining of hands around the table"; "there was a connection via the internet"
a variable quantity that can be resolved into components
any agent (person or animal or microorganism) that carries and transmits a disease; "mosquitos are vectors of malaria and yellow fever"; "fleas are vectors of the plague"; "aphids are transmitters of plant diseases"; "when medical scientists talk about vectors they are usually talking about insects"
a straight line segment whose length is magnitude and whose orientation in space is direction
using (or as if using) mechanisms or tools or devices; "a mechanical process"; "his smile was very mechanical"; "a mechanical toy"
relating to or governed by or in accordance with mechanics; "a belief that the universe is a mechanical contrivance"; "the mechanical pressure of a strong wind"
relating to or concerned with machinery or tools; "mechanical arts"; "mechanical design"; "mechanical skills"
a restriction that is insisted upon as a condition for an agreement
(law) an agreement or concession made by parties in a judicial proceeding (or by their attorneys) relating to the business before the court; must be in writing unless they are part of the court record; "a stipulation of fact was made in order to avoid delay"