to move in a twisting or contorted motion, (especially when struggling); "The prisoner writhed in discomfort"; "The child tried to wriggle free from his aunt's embrace"
a great amount or extent; "they did much for humanity"
(degree adverb used before a noun phrase) for all practical purposes but not completely; "much the same thing happened every time"; "practically everything in Hinduism is the manifestation of a god"
very; "he was much annoyed"
to a great degree or extent; "she's much better now"
frequently or in great quantities; "I don't drink much"; "I don't travel much"
a small amount or duration; "he accepted the little they gave him"
small in a way that arouses feelings (of tenderness or its opposite depending on the context); "a nice little job"; "bless your little heart"; "my dear little mother"; "a sweet little deal"; "I'm tired of your petty little schemes"; "filthy little tricks"; "what a nasty little situation"
(of a voice) faint; "a little voice"; "a still small voice"
lowercase; "little a"; "small a"; "e.e.cummings's poetry is written all in minuscule letters"
(of children and animals) young, immature; "what a big little boy you are"; "small children"
being or affecting or concerned with a surface; not deep or penetrating emotionally or intellectually; "superficial similarities"; "a superficial mind"; "his thinking was superficial and fuzzy"; "superficial knowledge"; "the superficial report didn't give the true picture"; "only superficial differences"
of little substance or significance; "a few superficial editorial changes"; "only trivial objections"
relating to a surface; "superficial measurements"; "the superficial area of the wall"
large or extensive in breadth or importance or comprehensiveness; "the might have repercussions of unimaginable largeness"; "the very extensiveness of his power was a temptation to abuse it"
any of the more or less continuous military expeditions in the 11th to 13th centuries when Christian powers of Europe tried to recapture the Holy Land from the Muslims
go on a crusade; fight a holy war
exert oneself continuously, vigorously, or obtrusively to gain an end or engage in a crusade for a certain cause or person; be an advocate for; "The liberal party pushed for reforms"; "She is crusading for women's rights"; "The Dean is pushing for his favorite candidate"