Exact Match:
- philosopher
- a specialist in philosophy
- a wise person who is calm and rational; someone who lives a life of reason with equanimity
- Abelard,
- Albertus Magnus,
- Albinus,
- Alexander,
- Anaxagoras,
- Anselm,
- Averroist,
- Bacon,
- Berkeleian,
- Berkeley,
- Boethius,
- Bonaventure,
- Boodin,
- Bosanquet,
- Bowne,
- Broad,
- Bruno,
- Cartesian,
- Chubb,
- Cicero,
- Comtist,
- Condillac,
- Condorcet,
- Confucius,
- Cousin,
- Croce,
- Cynic,
- Cyrenaic,
- Drake,
- Eleatic,
- Epicurean,
- Eretrian,
- Euhemerus,
- Fechner,
- Feigl,
- Ferdinand,
- Fichtean,
- Frege,
- Fullerton,
- Gentile,
- Gilson,
- Green,
- Haeckel,
- Hahn,
- Haldane,
- Harris,
- Hartmann,
- Hegel,
- Hegelian,
- Heidegger,
- Heideggerian,
- Heraclitean,
- Heraclitus,
- Herbart,
- Herbartian,
- Herder,
- Hobbes,
- Holt,
- Howison,
- Hume,
- Humist,
- Husserl,
- Husserlian,
- Hutcheson,
- John,
- Kantian,
- Kierkegaard,
- Kierkegaardian,
- La Mettrie,
- Langer,
- Leibniz,
- Leibnizian,
- Leucippus,
- Locke,
- Lotze,
- Lovejoy,
- Lucretius,
- Mach,
- Marx,
- Marxist,
- Mead,
- Megarian,
- Mencius,
- Mill,
- Moore,
- Moses,
- Neo-Hegelian,
- Neo-Pythagorean,
- Neoplatonist,
- Ockham,
- Ortega y Gasset,
- Paley,
- Parmenidean,
- Parmenides,
- Pascal,
- Peripatetic,
- Perry,
- Philo,
- Plato,
- Platonist,
- Plotinus,
- Porphyry,
- Pratt,
- Pritchard,
- Protagoras,
- Pyrrho,
- Pyrrhonist,
- Pythagoras,
- Pythagorean,
- Reid,
- Reynaud,
- Roger,
- Rogers,
- Ross,
- Rousseau,
- Royce,
- Russell,
- Samuel,
- Santayana,
- Sartre,
- Sartrian,
- Scheler,
- Schelling,
- Schiller,
- Schleiermacher,
- Schlick,
- Scholastic,
- Schopenhauer,
- Scotist,
- Sellars,
- Socrates,
- Socratist,
- Sophist,
- Spencerian,
- Spinozist,
- Stern,
- Stoic,
- Strong,
- Thales,
- Thomas Aquinas,
- Thomist,
- Whitehead,
- Wittgensteinian,
- academician,
- agnostic,
- animist,
- authority,
- bookman,
- casuist,
- classicist,
- clerk,
- colossus of knowledge,
- cosmologist,
- cosmotheist,
- deist,
- dialectical materialist,
- dialectician,
- doctor,
- dualist,
- eclectic,
- egoist,
- elder,
- elder statesman,
- empiricist,
- essentialist,
- existentialist,
- genius,
- giant of learning,
- great soul,
- guru,
- hedonist,
- humanist,
- hylomorphist,
- hylotheist,
- hylozoist,
- idealist,
- illuminate,
- immaterialist,
- individualist,
- intellect,
- intellectual,
- intuitionist,
- learned clerk,
- learned man,
- literary man,
- litterateur,
- logical empiricist,
- logicaster,
- logician,
- logistician,
- lover of learning,
- lover of wisdom,
- mahatma,
- man of intellect,
- man of learning,
- man of letters,
- man of wisdom,
- mandarin,
- master,
- mastermind,
- materialist,
- mechanist,
- mentalist,
- mentor,
- metaphysician,
- mine of information,
- monist,
- mystic,
- naturalist,
- nominalist,
- ontologist,
- oracle,
- organic mechanist,
- organicist,
- panpsychist,
- pantheist,
- philologist,
- philologue,
- philomath,
- philosophaster,
- philosophe,
- philosophizer,
- physicist,
- polyhistor,
- polymath,
- positivist,
- pragmatist,
- psychist,
- pundit,
- rabbi,
- ratiocinator,
- rationalist,
- rationalizer,
- realist,
- reasoner,
- rishi,
- sage,
- sapient,
- savant,
- scholar,
- scholastic,
- schoolman,
- secular humanist,
- seer,
- sensationalist,
- sensist,
- skeptic,
- sophist,
- speculator,
- starets,
- student,
- substantialist,
- syllogist,
- syllogizer,
- syncretist,
- theist,
- thinker,
- transcendentalist,
- utilitarian,
- vitalist,
- voluntarist,
- walking encyclopedia,
- wise man,
- wise old man,
- zetetic