a pitch that is not in the strike zone; "he threw nine straight balls before the manager yanked him"
the game of baseball
round object that is hit or thrown or kicked in games; "the ball travelled 90 mph on his serve"; "the mayor threw out the first ball"; "the ball rolled into the corner pocket"
a spherical object used as a plaything; "he played with his rubber ball in the bathtub"
a more or less rounded anatomical body or mass; "the ball at the base of the thumb"; "he stood on the balls of his feet"
a lavish dance requiring formal attire
a compact mass; "a ball of mud caught him on the shoulder"
the people assembled at a lavish formal dance; "the ball was already emptying out before the fire alarm sounded"
United States comedienne best known as the star of a popular television program (1911-1989)
an object with a spherical shape; "a ball of fire"
form into a ball by winding or rolling; "ball wool"
a greeting or reception; "the proposal got a warm welcome"
the state of being welcome; "don't outstay your welcome"
giving pleasure or satisfaction or received with pleasure or freely granted; "a welcome relief"; "a welcome guest"; "made the children feel welcome"; "you are welcome to join us"
being full of or promoting cheer; having or showing good spirits; "her cheerful nature"; "a cheerful greeting"; "a cheerful room"; "as cheerful as anyone confined to a hospital bed could be"
the continuum of experience in which events pass from the future through the present to the past
a person's experience on a particular occasion; "he had a time holding back the tears"; "they had a good time together"
an instance or single occasion for some event; "this time he succeeded"; "he called four times"; "he could do ten at a clip"
an indefinite period (usually marked by specific attributes or activities); "he waited a long time"; "the time of year for planting"; "he was a great actor is his time"
a suitable moment; "it is time to go"
a period of time considered as a resource under your control and sufficient to accomplish something; "take time to smell the roses"; "I didn't have time to finish"; "it took more than half my time"
adjust so that a force is applied and an action occurs at the desired time; "The good player times his swing so as to hit the ball squarely"
regulate or set the time of; "time the clock"
assign a time for an activity or event; "The candidate carefully timed his appearance at the disaster scene"
set the speed, duration, or execution of; "we time the process to manufacture our cars very precisely"
having an easygoing and cheerful disposition; "too good-natured to resent a little criticism"; "the good-natured policeman on our block"; "the sounds of good-natured play"
pleasant in manner or behavior; "I didn`t enjoy it and probably wasn't a pleasant person to be around"
affording pleasure; being in harmony with your taste or likings; "a pleasant person to be around"; "we had a pleasant evening together"; "a pleasant scene"; "pleasant sensations"
used of plants; capable of cross-fertilization or of being grafted
suitable to your needs or similar to your nature; "a congenial atmosphere to work in"; "two congenial spirits united...by mutual confidence and reciprocal virtues"- T.L.Peacock
delighting the senses or exciting intellectual or emotional admiration; "a beautiful child"; "beautiful country"; "a beautiful painting"; "a beautiful theory"; "a beautiful party"
(of weather) highly enjoyable; "what a beautiful day"