Exact Match:
- reviewer
- someone who reads manuscripts and judges their suitability for publication
- advertising writer,
- analysis,
- annalist,
- annotator,
- art critic,
- audit,
- author,
- authoress,
- belletrist,
- bibliographer,
- book reviewer,
- captious critic,
- carper,
- caviler,
- censor,
- censurer,
- checkup,
- coauthor,
- cognoscente,
- collaborator,
- columnist,
- comment,
- commentator,
- commenter,
- compiler,
- composer,
- connoisseur,
- copywriter,
- creative writer,
- critic,
- criticaster,
- criticizer,
- critickin,
- criticule,
- critique,
- dance critic,
- diarist,
- drama critic,
- dramatist,
- editor,
- editorial writer,
- editorialist,
- encyclopedist,
- essayist,
- expositor,
- expounder,
- faultfinder,
- free lance,
- free-lance writer,
- ghost,
- ghostwriter,
- glossarist,
- glossographer,
- humorist,
- inditer,
- inspection,
- leader writer,
- literary artist,
- literary craftsman,
- literary critic,
- literary man,
- litterateur,
- logographer,
- magazine,
- magazine writer,
- man of letters,
- monographer,
- muckraker,
- music critic,
- news analyst,
- newspaper,
- newspaperman,
- notice,
- novelettist,
- novelist,
- organ,
- pamphleteer,
- penwoman,
- periodical,
- poet,
- prose writer,
- publicist,
- recension,
- reconsideration,
- redraft,
- reflection,
- rescript,
- retrospect,
- retrospection,
- revisal,
- revise,
- revision,
- scan,
- scenario writer,
- scenarist,
- scholiast,
- scribe,
- scriptwriter,
- scrutiny,
- second thought,
- short-story writer,
- smellfungus,
- social critic,
- storyteller,
- study,
- survey,
- technical writer,
- textual critic,
- view,
- word painter,
- wordsmith,
- writer