a show or display; the act of presenting something to sight or view; "the presentation of new data"; "he gave the customer a demonstration"
the activity of formally presenting something (as a prize or reward); "she gave the trophy but he made the presentation"
(obstetrics) position of the fetus in the uterus relative to the birth canal; "Cesarean sections are sometimes the result of abnormal presentations"
the act of making something publicly available; presenting news or other information by broadcasting or printing it; "he prepared his presentation carefully in advance"
the act of presenting a proposal
formally making a person known to another or to the public
an extended communication (often interactive) dealing with some particular topic; "the book contains an excellent discussion of modal logic"; "his treatment of the race question is badly biased"
an exchange of views on some topic; "we had a good discussion"; "we had a word or two about it"
a posture assumed by models for photographic or artistic purposes
pretend to be someone you are not; sometimes with fraudulent intentions; "She posed as the Czar's daughter"
behave affectedly or unnaturally in order to impress others; "Don't pay any attention to him--he is always posing to impress his peers!"; "She postured and made a total fool of herself"