a formal written offer to sell securities (filed with the SEC) that sets forth a plan for a (proposed) business enterprise; "a prospectus should contain the facts that an investor needs to make an informed decision"
accept (someone) to be what is claimed or accept his power and authority; "The Crown Prince was acknowledged as the true heir to the throne"; "We do not recognize your gods"
accept as legally binding and valid; "acknowledge the deed"
express obligation, thanks, or gratitude for; "We must acknowledge the kindness she showed towards us"
report the receipt of; "The program committee acknowledged the submission of the authors of the paper"
having been learned or found or determined especially by investigation
characterized by great determination; "a struggle against a determined enemy"
determined or decided upon as by an authority; "date and place are already determined"; "the dictated terms of surrender"; "the time set for the launching"
devoting full strength and concentrated attention to; "made continued and determined efforts to find and destroy enemy headquarters"
not counterfeit or copied; "an authentic signature"; "a bona fide manuscript"; "an unquestionable antique"; "photographs taken in a veritable bull ring"
conforming to fact and therefore worthy of belief; "an authentic account by an eyewitness"; "reliable information"
conforming to a type; "the typical (or normal) American"; "typical teenage behavior"
exhibiting the qualities or characteristics that identify a group or kind or category; "a typical American girl"; "a typical suburban community"; "the typical car owner drives 10,000 miles a year"; "a painting typical of the Impressionist school"; "a typical romantic poem"; "a typical case of arteritis"
devoted to a cause or ideal or purpose; "a dedicated dancer"; "dedicated teachers"; "dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal"- A.Lincoln
capable of being treated as fact; "tangible evidence"; "his brief time as Prime Minister brought few real benefits to the poor"
being or occurring in fact or actuality; having verified existence; not illusory; "real objects"; "real people; not ghosts"; "a film based on real life"; "a real illness"; "real humility"; "Life is real! Life is earnest!"- Longfellow
being value measured in terms of purchasing power; "real prices"; "real income"; "real wages"
not to be taken lightly; "statistics demonstrate that poverty and unemployment are very real problems"; "to the man sleeping regularly in doorways homelessness is real"
(of property) fixed or immovable; "real property consists of land and buildings"