not alert to danger or deception; "the shrieks of unwary animals taken by surprise"; "some thieves prey especially on unwary travelers"; "seduce the unwary reader into easy acquiescence"- O.J.Campbell
the speech act of answering an attack on your assertions; "his refutation of the charges was short and persuasive"; "in defense he said the other man started it"
a remote or indirect consequence of some action; "his declaration had unforeseen repercussions"; "reverberations of the market crash were felt years later"
characterized by careless unconcern; "the heedless generosity and the spasmodic extravagance of persons used to large fortunes"- Edith Wharton; "reckless squandering of public funds"
marked by or paying little heed or attention; "We have always known that heedless self-interest was bad morals; we know now that it is bad economics"--Franklin D. Roosevelt; "heedless of danger"; "heedless of the child's crying"
lacking regard for the rights or feelings of others; "shockingly inconsiderate behavior"
without proper consideration or reflection; "slovenly inconsiderate reasoning"; "unconsidered words"; "prejudice is the holding of unconsidered opinions"
a nonverbal reaction; "his answer to any problem was to get drunk"; "their answer was to sue me"
the principle pleading by the defendant in response to plaintiff's complaint; in criminal law it consists of the defendant's plea of `guilty' or `not guilty' (or nolo contendere); in civil law it must contain denials of all allegations in the plaintiff's complaint that the defendant hopes to controvert and it can contain affirmative defenses or counterclaims
a statement (either spoken or written) that is made in reply to a question or request or criticism or accusation; "I waited several days for his answer"; "he wrote replies to several of his critics"
the speech act of replying to a question
understand the meaning of; "The question concerning the meaning of life cannot be answered"
give the correct answer or solution to; "answer a question"; "answer the riddle"
react to a stimulus or command; "The steering of my new car answers to the slightest touch"
respond to a signal; "answer the door"; "answer the telephone"
give a defence or refutation of (a charge) or in (an argument); "The defendant answered to all the charges of the prosecution"
reply or respond to; "She didn't want to answer"; "answer the question"; "We answered that we would accept the invitation"
be satisfactory for; meet the requirements of or serve the purpose of; "This may answer her needs"
match or correspond; "The drawing of the suspect answers to the description the victim gave"
be liable or accountable; "She must answer for her actions"
uneducated in the fundamentals of a given art or branch of learning; lacking knowledge of a specific field; "she is ignorant of quantum mechanics"; "he is musically illiterate"
uneducated in general; lacking knowledge or sophistication; "an ignorant man"; "nescient of contemporary literature"; "an unlearned group incapable of understanding complex issues"; "exhibiting contempt for his unlettered companions"
unaware because of a lack of relevant information or knowledge; "he was completely ignorant of the circumstances"; "an unknowledgeable assistant"; "his rudeness was unwitting"
the amount of activity over a communication system during a given period of time; "heavy traffic overloaded the trunk lines"; "traffic on the internet is lightest during the night"
the aggregation of things (pedestrians or vehicles) coming and going in a particular locality during a specified period of time
trade or deal a commodity; "They trafficked with us for gold"
based on or subject to individual discretion or preference or sometimes impulse or caprice; "an arbitrary decision"; "the arbitrary rule of a dictator"; "an arbitrary penalty"; "of arbitrary size and shape"; "an arbitrary choice"; "arbitrary division of the group into halves"