Exact Match:
- vantage
- place or situation affording some advantage (especially a comprehensive view or commanding perspective)
- advantage,
- allowance,
- ambit,
- angle,
- angle of vision,
- bailiwick,
- bulge,
- coign of vantage,
- constituency,
- deadwood,
- draw,
- drop,
- edge,
- flying start,
- footing,
- handicap,
- head start,
- inside track,
- jump,
- mental outlook,
- odds,
- orbit,
- outlook,
- point of view,
- running start,
- something extra,
- something in reserve,
- sphere of influence,
- stamping ground,
- standpoint,
- start,
- territory,
- turf,
- upper hand,
- vantage ground,
- vantage point,
- viewpoint,
- whip hand