the usage or vocabulary that is characteristic of a specific group of people; "the immigrants spoke an odd dialect of English"; "he has a strong German accent"; "it has been said that a language is a dialect with an army and navy"
commonplace and ordinary; "the familiar everyday world"
found in the ordinary course of events; "a placid everyday scene"; "it was a routine day"; "there's nothing quite like a real...train conductor to add color to a quotidian commute"- Anita Diamant
a plant that is native to a certain limited area; "it is an endemic found only this island"
a disease that is constantly present to a greater or lesser degree in people of a certain class or in people living in a particular location
native to or confined to a certain region; "the islands have a number of interesting endemic species"
of or relating to a disease (or anything resembling a disease) constantly present to greater or lesser extent in a particular locality; "diseases endemic to the tropics"; "endemic malaria"; "food shortages and starvation are endemic in certain parts of the world"
lacking knowledge gained by study often in a particular field; "is unstudied in Latin as he is in may other matters"
not by design or artifice; unforced and impromptu; "an air of unstudied spontaneous utterance is apt to be painstakingly achieved"; "simple unstudied charm"
(Roman Catholic Church) an official in charge of an ecclesiastical province acting under the superior general of a religious order; "the general of the Jesuits receives monthly reports from the provincials"
characteristic of the provinces or their people; "deeply provincial and conformist"; "in that well-educated company I felt uncomfortably provincial"; "narrow provincial attitudes"
of or associated with a province; "provincial government"
occurring or encountered or experienced or observed frequently or in accordance with regular practice or procedure; "grew the usual vegetables"; "the usual summer heat"; "came at the usual time"; "the child's usual bedtime"
a statistic describing the location of a distribution; "it set the norm for American homes"
lacking special distinction, rank, or status; commonly encountered; "average people"; "the ordinary (or common) man in the street"
around the middle of a scale of evaluation of physical measures; "an orange of average size"; "intermediate capacity"; "a plane with intermediate range"; "medium bombers"
approximating the statistical norm or average or expected value; "the average income in New England is below that of the nation"; "of average height for his age"; "the mean annual rainfall"
lacking exceptional quality or ability; "a novel of average merit"; "only a fair performance of the sonata"; "in fair health"; "the caliber of the students has gone from mediocre to above average"; "the performance was middling at best"
compute the average of
achieve or reach on average; "He averaged a C"
amount to or come to an average, without loss or gain; "The number of hours I work per work averages out to 40"
a building where young people receive education; "the school was built in 1932"; "he walked to school every morning"
the process of being formally educated at a school; "what will you do when you finish school?"
a large group of fish; "a school of small glittering fish swam by"
a body of creative artists or writers or thinkers linked by a similar style or by similar teachers; "the Venetian school of painting"
an educational institution; "the school was founded in 1900"
an educational institution's faculty and students; "the school keeps parents informed"; "the whole school turned out for the game"
the period of instruction in a school; the time period when schools is in session; "stay after school"; "he didn't miss a single day of school"; "when the school day was done we would walk home together"
swim in or form a large group of fish; "A cluster of schooling fish was attracted to the bait"
educate in or as if in a school; "The children are schooled at great cost to their parents in private institutions"
narrowly restricted in outlook or scope; "little sympathy with parochial mentality"; "insular attitudes toward foreigners"
suggestive of the isolated life of an island; "an exceedingly insular man; so deeply private as to seem inaccessible to the scrutiny of a novelist"- Leonard Michaels
relating to or characteristic of or situated on an island; "insular territories"; "Hawaii's insular culture"