tall coarse perennial American herb having small white flowers followed by blackish-red berries on long drooping racemes; young fleshy stems are edible; berries and root are poisonous
make a hole by poking
stir by poking; "poke the embers in the fireplace"
a writ issued by authority of law; usually compels the defendant's attendance in a civil suit; failure to appear results in a default judgment against the defendant
an order to appear in person at a given place and time
the erosive process of washing away soil or gravel by water (as from a roadway); "from the house they watched the washout of their newly seeded lawn by the water"
the channel or break produced by erosion of relatively soft soil by water; "it was several days after the storm before they could repair the washout and open the road"
the act of noticing or paying attention; "he escaped the notice of the police"
polite or favorable attention; "his hard work soon attracted the teacher's notice"
a short critical review; "the play received good notices"
an announcement containing information about a future event; "you didn't give me enough notice"
advance notification (usually written) of the intention to withdraw from an arrangement or contract; "we received a notice to vacate the premises"; "he gave notice two months before he moved"
express recognition of the presence or existence of, or acquaintance with; "He never acknowledges his colleagues when they run into him in the hallway"; "She acknowledged his complement with a smile"; "it is important to acknowledge the work of others in one's own writing"
notice or perceive; "She noted that someone was following her"; "mark my words"
throw into great confusion or disorder; "Fundamental Islamicists threaten to perturb the social order in Algeria and Egypt"
disturb in mind or make uneasy or cause to be worried or alarmed; "She was rather perturbed by the news that her father was seriously ill"
cause a celestial body to deviate from a theoretically regular orbital motion, especially as a result of interposed or extraordinary gravitational pull; "The orbits of these stars were perturbed by the passings of a comet"
disturb or interfere with the usual path of an electron or atom; "The electrons were perturbed by the passing ion"