to wind or move in a spiral course; "the muscles and nerves of his fine drawn body were coiling for action"; "black smoke coiling up into the sky"; "the young people gyrated on the dance floor"
to believe especially on uncertain or tentative grounds; "Scientists supposed that large dinosaurs lived in swamps"
talk over conjecturally, or review in an idle or casual way and with an element of doubt or without sufficient reason to reach a conclusion; "We were speculating whether the President had to resign after the scandal"
invest at a risk; "I bought this house not because I want to live in it but to sell it later at a good price, so I am speculating"
the solid bony part of the tail of an animal as distinguished from the hair
landing in a harbor next to a pier where ships are loaded and unloaded or repaired; may have gates to let water in or out; "the ship arrived at the dock more than a day late"
an enclosure in a court of law where the defendant sits during the trial
a platform where trucks or trains can be loaded or unloaded
any of certain coarse weedy plants with long taproots, sometimes used as table greens or in folk medicine
the property of being an amount by which something is less than expected or required; "new blood vessels bud out from the already dilated vascular bed to make up the nutritional deficit"
an excess of liabilities over assets (usually over a certain period); "last year there was a serious budgetary deficit"
(sports) the score by which a team or individual is losing
a deficiency or failure in neurological or mental functioning; "the people concerned have a deficit in verbal memory"; "they have serious linguistic deficits"