Exact Match:
- hardening
- the act of making something harder (firmer or tighter or more compact)
- the process of becoming hard or solid by cooling or drying or crystallization; "the hardening of concrete"; "he tested the set of the glue"
- abnormal hardening or thickening of tissue
- abidingness,
- acclimation,
- acclimatization,
- accommodation,
- accustoming,
- adaption,
- adjustment,
- agglutination,
- arteriosclerosis,
- atherosclerosis,
- breaking,
- breaking-in,
- calcification,
- callusing,
- case hardening,
- changelessness,
- clumping,
- clustering,
- compression,
- concentration,
- concretion,
- condensation,
- conditioning,
- consolidation,
- constancy,
- cornification,
- crystallization,
- densification,
- domestication,
- durability,
- durableness,
- duration,
- endurance,
- familiarization,
- firming,
- firmness,
- fixedness,
- fortification,
- fossilization,
- frozenness,
- granulation,
- habituation,
- hornification,
- housebreaking,
- immobility,
- immovability,
- immovableness,
- immutability,
- induration,
- indurative,
- inurement,
- invariability,
- invariableness,
- inveteracy,
- invigoration,
- lapidification,
- lastingness,
- lithification,
- long standing,
- naturalization,
- orientation,
- ossification,
- permanence,
- permanency,
- perpetualness,
- persistence,
- persistency,
- petrifaction,
- petrifactive,
- petrification,
- petrifying,
- quiescence,
- refreshment,
- reinforcement,
- reinvigoration,
- restrengthening,
- revivification,
- rigidity,
- sclerosis,
- seasoning,
- setting,
- solidification,
- solidity,
- stability,
- standing,
- stasis,
- steadfastness,
- steeling,
- stiffening,
- strengthening,
- taming,
- tempering,
- torpor,
- toughening,
- training,
- unchangeability,
- unchangingness,
- vitrifaction,
- vitrification