people in general (often used in the plural); "they're just country folk"; "folks around here drink moonshine"; "the common people determine the group character and preserve its customs from one generation to the next"
an investigation seeking answers; "a thorough search of the ledgers revealed nothing"; "the outcome justified the search"
boarding and inspecting a ship on the high seas; "right of search"
the activity of looking thoroughly in order to find something or someone
the examination of alternative hypotheses; "his search for a move that would avoid checkmate was unsuccessful"
an operation that determines whether one or more of a set of items has a specified property; "they wrote a program to do a table lookup"
try to locate or discover, or try to establish the existence of; "The police are searching for clues"; "They are searching for the missing man in the entire county"
subject to a search; "The police searched the suspect"; "We searched the whole house for the missing keys"
search or seek; "We looked all day and finally found the child in the forest"; "Look elsewhere for the perfect gift!"
a punishment in which a student must stay at school after others have gone home; "the detention of tardy pupils"
a state of being confined (usually for a short time); "his detention was politically motivated"; "the prisoner is on hold"; "he is in the custody of police"
the service (electric power or water or transportation) provided by a public utility; "the cost of utilities never decreases"; "all the utilities were lost after the hurricane"
a facility composed of one or more pieces of equipment connected to or part of a structure and designed to provide a service such as heat or electricity or water or sewage disposal; "the price of the house included all utilities"
the quality of being of practical use
a company that performs a public service; subject to government regulation
(economics) a measure that is to be maximized in any situation involving choice
a place for the burial of a corpse (especially beneath the ground and marked by a tombstone); "he put flowers on his mother's grave"
death of a person; "he went to his grave without forgiving me"; "from cradle to grave"
of great gravity or crucial import; requiring serious thought; "grave responsibilities"; "faced a grave decision in a time of crisis"; "a grievous fault"; "heavy matters of state"; "the weighty matters to be discussed at the peace conference"
dignified and somber in manner or character and committed to keeping promises; "a grave God-fearing man"; "a quiet sedate nature"; "as sober as a judge"; "a solemn promise"; "the judge was solemn as he pronounced sentence"
(bridge or whist) the suit that has been declared to rank above all other suits for the duration of the hand; "clubs were declared trumps"; "a trump can take a trick even when a card of a different suit is led"
a playing card in the suit that has been declared trumps; "the ace of trumps is a sure winner"
the solid bony part of the tail of an animal as distinguished from the hair
landing in a harbor next to a pier where ships are loaded and unloaded or repaired; may have gates to let water in or out; "the ship arrived at the dock more than a day late"
an enclosure in a court of law where the defendant sits during the trial
a platform where trucks or trains can be loaded or unloaded
any of certain coarse weedy plants with long taproots, sometimes used as table greens or in folk medicine