support oneself; "he could barely exist on such a low wage"; "Can you live on $2000 a month in New York City?"; "Many people in the world have to subsist on $1 a day"
(astronomy) the particular appearance of a body's state of illumination (especially one of the recurring shapes of the part of Earth's moon that is illuminated by the sun); "the full phase of the moon"
(physical chemistry) a distinct state of matter in a system; matter that is identical in chemical composition and physical state and separated from other material by the phase boundary; "the reaction occurs in the liquid phase of the system"
a particular point in the time of a cycle; measured from some arbitrary zero and expressed as an angle
any distinct time period in a sequence of events; "we are in a transitional stage in which many former ideas must be revised or rejected"
adjust so as to be in a synchronized condition; "he phased the intake with the output of the machine"
the act of protesting; a public (often organized) manifestation of dissent
a formal and solemn declaration of objection; "they finished the game under protest to the league president"; "the senator rose to register his protest"; "the many protestations did not stay the execution"
the act of making a strong public expression of disagreement and disapproval; "he shouted his protests at the umpire"; "a shower of protest was heard from the rear of the hall"
utter words of protest
affirm or avow formally or solemnly; "The suspect protested his innocence"
express opposition through action or words; "dissent to the laws of the country"
keep in one's mind; "I cannot retain so much information"
secure and keep for possible future use or application; "The landlord retained the security deposit"; "I reserve the right to disagree"
allow to remain in a place or position; "We cannot continue several servants any longer"; "She retains a lawyer"; "The family's fortune waned and they could not keep their household staff"; "Our grant has run out and we cannot keep you on"; "We kept the work going as long as we could"
hold within; "This soil retains water"; "I retain this drug for a long time"
the act of positing; an assumption taken as a postulate or axiom
a job in an organization; "he occupied a post in the treasury"
(in team sports) the role assigned to an individual player; "what position does he play?"
the spatial property of a place where or way in which something is situated; "the position of the hands on the clock"; "he specified the spatial relations of every piece of furniture on the stage"
the arrangement of the body and its limbs; "he assumed an attitude of surrender"
a rationalized mental attitude
a way of regarding situations or topics etc.; "consider what follows from the positivist view"
the particular portion of space occupied by something; "he put the lamp back in its place"
the appropriate or customary location; "the cars were in position"
cause to be in an appropriate place, state, or relation
take measures in preparation for; "provide for the proper care of the passengers on the cruise ship"
determine (what is to happen in certain contingencies), especially by including a proviso condition or stipulation; "The will provides that each child should receive half of the money"; "The Constitution provides for the right to free speech"
provide what is desired or needed, especially support, food or sustenance; "The hostess provided lunch for all the guests"
supply means of subsistence; earn a living; "He provides for his large family by working three jobs"; "Women nowadays not only take care of the household but also bring home the bacon"
pressing importance requiring speedy action; "the urgency of his need"
an urgent situation calling for prompt action; "I'll be there, barring any urgencies"; "they departed hurriedly because of some great urgency in their affairs"
the state of being urgent; an earnest and insistent necessity