free from error; especially conforming to fact or truth; "the correct answer"; "the correct version"; "the right answer"; "took the right road"; "the right decision"
socially right or correct; "it isn't right to leave the party without saying goodbye"; "correct behavior"
in accord with accepted standards of usage or procedure; "what's the right word for this?"; "the right way to open oysters"
treat a defect; "The new contact lenses will correct for his myopia"
make right or correct; "Correct the mistakes"; "rectify the calculation"
take up residence and become established; "The immigrants settled in the Midwest"
form a community; "The Swedes settled in Minnesota"
become settled or established and stable in one's residence or life style; "He finally settled down"
establish or develop as a residence; "He settled the farm 200 years ago"; "This land was settled by Germans"
become resolved, fixed, established, or quiet; "The roar settled to a thunder"; "The wind settled in the West"; "it is settling to rain"; "A cough settled in her chest"; "Her mood settled into lethargy"
settle conclusively; come to terms; "We finally settled the argument"
end a legal dispute by arriving at a settlement; "The two parties finally settled"
accept despite complete satisfaction; "We settled for a lower price"
get one's revenge for a wrong or an injury; "I finally settled with my old enemy"
arrange or fix in the desired order; "She settled the teacart"
cause to become clear by forming a sediment (of liquids)
become clear by the sinking of particles; "the liquid gradually settled"
come to rest
settle into a position, usually on a surface or ground; "dust settled on the roofs"
a hand tool consisting of two straight arms at right angles; used to construct or test right angles; "the carpenter who built this room must have lost his square"
any artifact having a shape similar to a plane geometric figure with four equal sides and four right angles; "a checkerboard has 64 squares"
a formal and conservative person with old-fashioned views
someone who doesn't understand what is going on
the product of two equal terms; "nine is the second power of three"; "gravity is inversely proportional to the square of the distance"
(geometry) a plane rectangle with four equal sides and four right angles; a four-sided regular polygon; "you can compute the area of a square if you know the length of its sides"
something approximating the shape of a square
rigidly conventional or old-fashioned
having four equal sides and four right angles or forming a right angle; "a square peg in a round hole"; "a square corner"
make square; "Square the circle"; "square the wood with a file"
raise to the second power
position so as to be square; "He squared his shoulders"
pay someone and settle a debt; "I squared with him"
be compatible with; "one idea squares with another"
a drink in honor of or to the health of a person or event
someone accepted for membership but not yet fully admitted to the group
a deposit of personal property as security for a debt; "his saxophone was in pledge"
promise solemnly and formally; "I pledge that will honor my wife"
bind or secure by a pledge; "I was pledged to silence"
give as a guarantee; "I pledge my honor"
pay (an amount of money) as a contribution to a charity or service, especially at regular intervals; "I pledged $10 a month to my favorite radio station"
reach a destination; arrive by movement or progress; "She arrived home at 7 o'clock"; "She didn't get to Chicago until after midnight"
succeed in a big way; get to the top; "After he published his book, he had arrived"; "I don't know whether I can make it in science!"; "You will go far, my boy!"
implying justice dictated by reason, conscience, and a natural sense of what is fair to all; "equitable treatment of all citizens"; "an equitable distribution of gifts among the children"