put an end to; kill; "The Nazis snuffed out the life of many Jewish children"
put out, as of fires, flames, or lights; "Too big to be extinguished at once, the forest fires at best could be contained"; "quench the flames"; "snuff out the candles"
assets belonging to or due to or contributed by an individual person or group; "he wanted his share in cash"
any of the equal portions into which the capital stock of a corporation is divided and ownership of which is evidenced by a stock certificate; "he bought 100 shares of IBM at the market price"
communicate; "I'd like to share this idea with you"
give out as one's portion or share
use jointly or in common
have in common; "Our children share a love of music"; "The two countries share a long border"
the act of positing; an assumption taken as a postulate or axiom
a job in an organization; "he occupied a post in the treasury"
(in team sports) the role assigned to an individual player; "what position does he play?"
the spatial property of a place where or way in which something is situated; "the position of the hands on the clock"; "he specified the spatial relations of every piece of furniture on the stage"
the arrangement of the body and its limbs; "he assumed an attitude of surrender"
a rationalized mental attitude
a way of regarding situations or topics etc.; "consider what follows from the positivist view"
the particular portion of space occupied by something; "he put the lamp back in its place"
the appropriate or customary location; "the cars were in position"
cause to be in an appropriate place, state, or relation
transfer; "The spy sent the classified information off to Russia"
to cause or order to be taken, directed, or transmitted to another place; "He had sent the dispatches downtown to the proper people and had slept"
cause to go somewhere; "The explosion sent the car flying in the air"; "She sent her children to camp"; "He directed all his energies into his dissertation"
formally reject or disavow a formerly held belief, usually under pressure; "He retracted his earlier statements about his religion"; "She abjured her beliefs"
the act of making up your mind about something; "the burden of decision was his"; "he drew his conclusions quickly"
a position or opinion or judgment reached after consideration; "a decision unfavorable to the opposition"; "his conclusion took the evidence into account"; "satisfied with the panel's determination"
the outcome of a game or contest; "the team dropped three decisions in a row"
(boxing) a victory won on points when no knockout has occurred; "had little trouble in taking a unanimous decision over his opponent"
prevent from being included or considered or accepted; "The bad results were excluded from the report"; "Leave off the top piece"
prevent from entering; shut out; "The trees were shutting out all sunlight"; "This policy excludes people who have a criminal record from entering the country"
lack or fail to include; "The cost for the trip excludes food and beverages"