Exact Match:
- pawn
- borrowing and leaving an article as security for repayment of the loan
- (chess) the least powerful piece; moves only forward and captures only to the side; it can be promoted to a more powerful piece if it reaches the 8th rank
- an article deposited as security
- leave as a guarantee in return for money; "pawn your grandfather's gold watch"
- Charlie McCarthy,
- agent,
- ancilla,
- appliance,
- assurance,
- bail,
- bishop,
- bond,
- borrow,
- bottomry,
- castle,
- chance,
- chessman,
- cog,
- collateral,
- commonality,
- commonalty,
- contrivance,
- creature,
- deposit,
- device,
- dip,
- dummy,
- dupe,
- earnest,
- earnest money,
- escrow,
- float a loan,
- flunky,
- follower,
- gage,
- gamble,
- get a loan,
- get on credit,
- go bail,
- go-between,
- guarantee,
- guaranty,
- handmaid,
- handmaiden,
- handsel,
- hazard,
- hit one for,
- hit up,
- hock,
- hoi polloi,
- hostage,
- hypothecate,
- impignorate,
- implement,
- inferior,
- instrument,
- interagent,
- intermediary,
- intermediate,
- intermedium,
- jeopardize,
- junior,
- king,
- knight,
- lever,
- lightweight,
- lower class,
- lower orders,
- mainprise,
- man,
- masses,
- mechanism,
- mediator,
- medium,
- midwife,
- minion,
- mortgage,
- negotiate a loan,
- organ,
- piece,
- pignus,
- plaything,
- pledge,
- plight,
- pop,
- post,
- puppet,
- put in hock,
- put in pawn,
- put up,
- queen,
- raise money,
- recognizance,
- replevin,
- replevy,
- risk,
- rook,
- run into debt,
- second fiddle,
- secondary,
- security,
- servant,
- slave,
- spout,
- stake,
- stooge,
- subaltern,
- subordinate,
- surety,
- third stringer,
- token,
- token payment,
- tool,
- touch,
- toy,
- underling,
- understrapper,
- undertaking,
- vadimonium,
- vadium,
- vehicle,
- venture,
- warrant,
- yes-man