(bridge or whist) the suit that has been declared to rank above all other suits for the duration of the hand; "clubs were declared trumps"; "a trump can take a trick even when a card of a different suit is led"
a playing card in the suit that has been declared trumps; "the ace of trumps is a sure winner"
freedom from difficulty or hardship or effort; "he rose through the ranks with apparent ease"; "they put it into containers for ease of transportation"; "the very easiness of the deed held her back"
freedom from constraint or embarrassment; "I am never at ease with strangers"
a freedom from financial difficulty that promotes a comfortable state; "a life of luxury and ease"; "he had all the material comforts of this world"
move gently or carefully; "He eased himself into the chair"
form a queue, form a line, stand in line; "Customers lined up in front of the store"
get something or somebody for a specific purpose; "I found this gadget that will serve as a bottle opener"; "I got hold of these tools to fix our plumbing"; "The chairman got hold of a secretary on Friday night to type the urgent letter"
characterized by the attitude of a philosopher; meeting trouble with level-headed detachment; "philosophical resignation"; "a philosophic attitude toward life"
characteristic of or imbued with the attitude of a philosopher or based on philosophy; "that breadth of outlook that distinguishes the philosophic mind"; "their differences were philosophical"