something settled or resolved; the outcome of decision making; "the finally reached a settlement with the union"; "they never did achieve a final resolution of their differences"; "he needed to grieve before he could achieve a sense of closure"
a conclusive resolution of a matter and disposition of it
the act of referring or consulting; "reference to an encyclopedia produced the answer"
the most direct or specific meaning of a word or expression; the class of objects that an expression refers to; "the extension of `satellite of Mars' is the set containing only Demos and Phobos"
the relation between a word or phrase and the object or idea it refers to; "he argued that reference is a consequence of conditioned reflexes"
a publication (or a passage from a publication) that is referred to; "he carried an armful of references back to his desk"; "he spent hours looking for the source of that quotation"
more distant in especially space or time; "they live in the farther house"
to or at a greater distance in time or space (`farther' is used more frequently than `further' in this physical sense); "farther north"; "moved farther away"; "farther down the corridor"; "the practice may go back still farther to the Druids"; "went only three miles further"; "further in the future"
other than what is under consideration or implied; "ask somebody else"; "I don't know what else to do"; "where else can we look?"
(usually used with `or') if not, then; "watch your step or else you may fall"; "leave or else I'll get angry"
additional to or different from this one or place or time or manner; "nobody else is here"; "she ignored everything else"; "I don't know where else to look"; "when else can we have the party?"; "couldn't decide how else it could be done"
demand for something as rightful or due; "they struck in support of their claim for a shorter work day"
an informal right to something; "his claim on her attentions"; "his title to fame"
an assertion of a right (as to money or property); "his claim asked for damages"
an assertion that something is true or factual; "his claim that he was innocent"; "evidence contradicted the government's claims"
take as an undesirable consequence of some event or state of affairs; "the accident claimed three lives"; "The hard work took its toll on her"
assert or affirm strongly; state to be true or existing; "He claimed that he killed the burglar"
lay claim to; as of an idea; "She took credit for the whole idea"
ask for legally or make a legal claim to, as of debts, for example; "They claimed on the maximum allowable amount"
demand as being one's due or property; assert one's right or title to; "He claimed his suitcases at the airline counter"; "Mr. Smith claims special tax exemptions because he is a foreign resident"
Siberian peasant monk who was religious advisor in the court of Nicholas II; was assassinated by Russian noblemen who feared that his debauchery would weaken the monarchy (1872-1916)
temporary living quarters specially built by the army for soldiers; "wherever he went in the camp the men were grumbling"
temporary lodgings in the country for travelers or vacationers; "level ground is best for parking and camp areas"
a prison for forced laborers; "China has many work camps for political prisoners"
a site where care and activities are provided for children during the summer months; "city kids get to see the country at a summer camp"
shelter for persons displaced by war or political oppression or for religious beliefs
something that is considered amusing not because of its originality but because of its unoriginality; "the living room was pure camp"
a group of people living together in a camp; "the whole camp laughed at his mistake"
providing sophisticated amusement by virtue of having artificially (and vulgarly) mannered or banal or sentimental qualities; "they played up the silliness of their roles for camp effect"; "campy Hollywood musicals of the 1940's"
give an artificially banal or sexual quality to
establish or set up a camp
live in or as if in a tent; "Can we go camping again this summer?"; "The circus tented near the town"; "The houseguests had to camp in the living room"
of or on the left; "a sinistral gastropod shell with the apex upward has its opening on the left when facing the observer"; "a sinistral flatfish lies with the left eye uppermost"
preferring to use left foot or hand or eye; "sinistral individuals exhibit dominance of the left hand and eye"
an extended outer surface of an object; "he turned the box over to examine the bottom side"; "they painted all four sides of the house"
either the left or right half of a body; "he had a pain in his side"
an aspect of something (as contrasted with some other implied aspect); "he was on the heavy side"; "he is on the purchasing side of the business"; "it brought out his better side"
an opinion that is held in opposition to another in an argument or dispute; "there are two sides to every question"
a lengthwise dressed half of an animal's carcass used for food
a family line of descent; "he gets his brains from his father's side"
one of two or more contesting groups; "the Confederate side was prepared to attack"
a surface forming part of the outside of an object; "he examined all sides of the crystal"; "dew dripped from the face of the leaf"
a line segment forming part of the perimeter of a plane figure; "the hypotenuse of a right triangle is always the longest side"
a place within a region identified relative to a center or reference location; "they always sat on the right side of the church"; "he never left my side"
take sides with; align oneself with; show strong sympathy for; "We all rooted for the home team"; "I'm pulling for the underdog"; "Are you siding with the defender of the title?"
take the side of; be on the side of; "Whose side are you on?"; "Why are you taking sides with the accused?"