a feature (or the order or arrangement of features) of anything having a complex structure; "the contours of the melody"; "it defines a major contour of this administration"
a line drawn on a map connecting points of equal height
your characteristic style or manner of expressing yourself orally; "his manner of speaking was quite abrupt"; "her speech was barren of southernisms"; "I detected a slight accent in his speech"
create or manufacture a man-made product; "We produce more cars than we can sell"; "The company has been making toys for two centuries"
bring forth or yield; "The tree would not produce fruit"
cause to happen, occur or exist; "This procedure produces a curious effect"; "The new law gave rise to many complaints"; "These chemicals produce a noxious vapor"; "the new President must bring about a change in the health care system"
bring out for display; "The proud father produced many pictures of his baby"; "The accused brought forth a letter in court that he claims exonerates him"
bring onto the market or release; "produce a movie"; "bring out a book"; "produce a new play"
elaboration of an interpretation by the use of decorative (sometimes fictitious) detail; "the mystery has been heightened by many embellishments in subsequent retellings"
come up with; "His colleagues worked out his interesting idea"; "We worked up an ad for our client"
be calculated; "The fees work out to less than $1,000"
happen in a certain way, leading to, producing, or resulting in a certain outcome, often well; "Things worked out in an interesting way"; "Not everything worked out in the end and we were disappointed"