continuing forever or indefinitely; "the ageless themes of love and revenge"; "eternal truths"; "life everlasting"; "hell's perpetual fires"; "the unending bliss of heaven"
the act of using; "he warned against the use of narcotic drugs"; "skilled in the utilization of computers"
a particular service; "he put his knowledge to good use"; "patrons have their uses"
(law) the exercise of the legal right to enjoy the benefits of owning property; "we were given the use of his boat"
use up, consume fully; "The legislature expended its time on school questions"
put into service; make work or employ (something) for a particular purpose or for its inherent or natural purpose; "use your head!"; "we only use Spanish at home"; "I can't use this tool"; "Apply a magnetic field here"; "This thinking was applied to many projects"; "How do you utilize this tool?"; "I apply this rule to get good results"; "use the plastic bags to store the food"; "He doesn't know how to use a computer"
take or consume (regularly or habitually); "She uses drugs rarely"
habitually do something (use only in the past tense); "She used to call her mother every week but now she calls only occasionally"; "I used to get sick when I ate in that dining hall"; "They used to vacation in the Bahamas"
seek or achieve an end by using to one's advantage; "She uses her influential friends to get jobs"; "The president's wife used her good connections"
a natural and periodic state of rest during which consciousness of the world is suspended; "he didn't get enough sleep last night"; "calm as a child in dreamless slumber"
a torpid state resembling deep sleep
a period of time spent sleeping; "he felt better after a little sleep"; "there wasn't time for a nap"
be asleep
be able to accommodate for sleeping; "This tent sleeps six people"
a blow with the hand (usually on the ear); "I gave him a good box on the ear"
a (usually rectangular) container; may have a lid; "he rummaged through a box of spare parts"
separate partitioned area in a public place for a few people; "the sentry stayed in his box to avoid the cold"
private area in a theater or grandstand where a small group can watch the performance; "the royal box was empty"
the driver's seat on a coach; "an armed guard sat in the box with the driver"
any one of several designated areas on a ball field where the batter or catcher or coaches are positioned; "the umpire warned the batter to stay in the batter's box"
evergreen shrubs or small trees
the quantity contained in a box; "he gave her a box of chocolates"
a rectangular drawing; "the flowchart contained many boxes"
the highest level or degree attainable; the highest stage of development; "his landscapes were deemed the acme of beauty"; "the artist's gifts are at their acme"; "at the height of her career"; "the peak of perfection"; "summer was at its peak"; "...catapulted Einstein to the pinnacle of fame"; "the summit of his ambition"; "so many highest superlatives achieved by man"; "at the top of his profession"
seemingly boundless in amount, number, degree, or especially extent; "unbounded enthusiasm"; "children with boundless energy"; "a limitless supply of money"
the position on a baseball team of the player who is stationed behind home plate and who catches the balls that the pitcher throws; "a catcher needs a lot of protective equipment"; "a catcher plays behind the plate"
(baseball) the person who plays the position of catcher