Exact Match:
- subject
- something (a person or object or scene) selected by an artist or photographer for graphic representation; "a moving picture of a train is more dramatic than a still picture of the same subject"
- (grammar) one of the two main constituents of a sentence; the grammatical constituent about which something is predicated
- (logic) the first term of a proposition
- the subject matter of a conversation or discussion; "he didn't want to discuss that subject"; "it was a very sensitive topic"; "his letters were always on the theme of love"
- a person who is subjected to experimental or other observational procedures; someone who is an object of investigation; "the subjects for this investigation were selected randomly"; "the cases that we studied were drawn from two different communities"
- likely to be affected by something (especially something unpleasant); "the bond is subject to taxation"; "he is subject to fits of depression"
- being under the power or sovereignty of another or others; "subject peoples"; "a dependent prince"
- make accountable for; "He did not want to subject himself to the judgments of his superiors"
- cause to experience or suffer or make liable or vulnerable to; "He subjected me to his awful poetry"; "The sergeant subjected the new recruits to many drills"; "People in Chernobyl were subjected to radiation"
- IC analysis,
- above,
- academic specialty,
- action,
- actor,
- affair,
- agent,
- anagnorisis,
- angle,
- answerable to,
- application,
- appositive,
- apt,
- architect,
- architectonics,
- architecture,
- area,
- argument,
- atmosphere,
- attribute,
- attributive,
- author,
- background,
- basis,
- bondmaid,
- bondman,
- bondslave,
- bondsman,
- bondswoman,
- boning,
- brainwork,
- burden,
- burden with,
- business,
- captive,
- case,
- catastrophe,
- cause,
- chapter,
- characterization,
- charge,
- chattel,
- chattel slave,
- churl,
- citizen,
- citizen by adoption,
- classical education,
- client,
- collateral,
- color,
- common,
- complement,
- complication,
- concern,
- concubine,
- conning,
- conquer,
- construction modifier,
- contemplation,
- contingent on,
- continuity,
- contrivance,
- core,
- core curriculum,
- cosmopolitan,
- cosmopolite,
- course,
- course of study,
- cram,
- cramming,
- creator,
- crush,
- curriculum,
- cutting,
- debt slave,
- deep structure,
- demand,
- demeaning,
- denouement,
- dependent,
- dependent on,
- deprive of freedom,
- design,
- development,
- device,
- direct object,
- disadvantaged,
- discipline,
- discussed,
- disenfranchise,
- disfranchise,
- disposed to,
- doer,
- dominate,
- drill,
- elective,
- engrossment,
- enjoin,
- enslave,
- enthrall,
- episode,
- essence,
- exact,
- examinant,
- examinate,
- examinee,
- excuse,
- executant,
- executor,
- executrix,
- exercise,
- expose,
- exposed,
- exposed to,
- extensive study,
- fable,
- fabricator,
- falling action,
- fasten upon,
- feudal,
- feudatory,
- field,
- figure,
- filler,
- focus of attention,
- focus of interest,
- form-function unit,
- freight with,
- function,
- galley slave,
- general education,
- general studies,
- gimmick,
- gist,
- grind,
- grinding,
- grounds,
- guinea pig,
- head,
- heading,
- headwork,
- helot,
- hold captive,
- hold down,
- hold in bondage,
- hold in captivity,
- hold in leash,
- hold in subjection,
- homager,
- humanities,
- humble,
- hyphenate,
- hyphenated American,
- immediate constituent analysis,
- immigrant,
- impose,
- impose on,
- impose upon,
- in the shade,
- incident,
- indirect object,
- inferior,
- inflict on,
- inflict upon,
- informant,
- infra dig,
- inspection,
- interviewee,
- issue,
- junior,
- keep down,
- keep under,
- laboratory animal,
- lay,
- lay on,
- lay open,
- lead captive,
- leitmotiv,
- less,
- lesser,
- levels,
- levy,
- liberal arts,
- liege,
- liege man,
- liege subject,
- likely,
- line,
- living issue,
- local color,
- low,
- lower,
- lowly,
- lucubration,
- main point,
- major,
- make dependent,
- maker,
- material,
- matter,
- matter in hand,
- meat,
- medium,
- mental labor,
- metic,
- minor,
- modest,
- modifier,
- mood,
- motif,
- motive,
- movement,
- mover,
- mythos,
- national,
- naturalized citizen,
- nonnative citizen,
- object,
- obnoxious,
- odalisque,
- open,
- open to,
- operant,
- operative,
- operator,
- ordinary,
- participant,
- patient,
- peon,
- peonize,
- performer,
- peripeteia,
- perpetrator,
- perusal,
- phrase,
- phrase structure,
- place,
- plan,
- plot,
- point,
- point at issue,
- point in question,
- practice,
- practitioner,
- predicate,
- prime mover,
- problem,
- producer,
- prone,
- prone to,
- proseminar,
- put,
- put down,
- put on,
- put through,
- put upon,
- quadrivium,
- qualifier,
- question,
- questionee,
- quizzee,
- ranks,
- rationale,
- reading,
- reason,
- recognition,
- referred to,
- refresher course,
- responsible for,
- restudy,
- restudying,
- review,
- rising action,
- rubric,
- saddle with,
- scheme,
- scientific education,
- second rank,
- second string,
- secondary,
- secondary plot,
- seminar,
- sensitive,
- serf,
- servant,
- servile,
- set,
- shallow structure,
- slant,
- slave,
- slavish,
- slot,
- slot and filler,
- source,
- specialty,
- story,
- strata,
- structure,
- study,
- studying,
- sub,
- subaltern,
- subdiscipline,
- subdue,
- subject matter,
- subject of thought,
- subject to,
- subjugate,
- submit,
- subordinate,
- subplot,
- subservient,
- substance,
- surface structure,
- susceptible,
- switch,
- swotting,
- syntactic analysis,
- syntactic structure,
- syntactics,
- syntax,
- tagmeme,
- take captive,
- task,
- tax,
- taxpayer,
- technical education,
- testee,
- text,
- thematic development,
- theme,
- theow,
- thesis,
- third rank,
- third string,
- thrall,
- tone,
- topic,
- tributary,
- trivium,
- twist,
- uncover,
- under,
- underlying structure,
- underprivileged,
- vassal,
- vassalize,
- villein,
- voter,
- vulgar,
- weight down with,
- wide reading,
- witness,
- word arrangement,
- word order,
- worker,
- yoke with