(cricket) the period during which a given number of balls (6 in England but 8 in Australia) are bowled at the batsman by one player from the other team from the same end of the pitch
throughout a period of time; "stay over the weekend"
at or to a point across intervening space etc.; "come over and see us some time"; "over there"
throughout an area; "he is known the world over"
beyond the top or upper surface or edge; forward from an upright position; "a roof that hangs over";
the arithmetic operation of summing; calculating the sum of two or more numbers; "the summation of four and three gives seven"; "four plus three equals seven"
a concluding summary (as in presenting a case before a law court)
(physiology) the process whereby multiple stimuli can produce a response (in a muscle or nerve or other part) that one stimulus alone does not produce
an anatomical structure used as a point of origin in locating other anatomical structures (as in surgery) or as point from which measurements can be taken
a mark showing the boundary of a piece of land
an event marking a unique or important historical change of course or one on which important developments depend; "the agreement was a watershed in the history of both nations"
the position of a prominent or well-known object in a particular landscape; "the church steeple provided a convenient landmark"
the fundamental assumptions from which something is begun or developed or calculated or explained; "the whole argument rested on a basis of conjecture"
the most important or necessary part of something; "the basis of this drink is orange juice"
a cutting tool that is fitted into a diestock and used for cutting male (external) screw threads on screws or bolts or pipes or rods
suffer spiritual death; be damned (in the religious sense); "Whosoever..believes in me shall never die"
disappear or come to an end; "Their anger died"; "My secret will die with me!"
pass from physical life and lose all bodily attributes and functions necessary to sustain life; "She died from cancer"; "They children perished in the fire"; "The patient went peacefully"; "The old guy kicked the bucket at the age of 102"
lose sparkle or bouquet; "wine and beer can pall"
to be on base at the end of an inning, of a player
cut or shape with a die; "Die out leather for belts"
be brought to or as if to the point of death by an intense emotion such as embarrassment, amusement, or shame; "I was dying with embarrassment when my little lie was discovered"; "We almost died laughing during the show"
languish as with love or desire; "She dying for a cigarette"; "I was dying to leave"
feel indifferent towards; "She died to worldly things and eventually entered a monastery"
suffer or face the pain of death; "Martyrs may die every day for their faith"
a basic truth or law or assumption; "the principles of democracy"
a rule or law concerning a natural phenomenon or the function of a complex system; "the principle of the conservation of mass"; "the principle of jet propulsion"; "the right-hand rule for inductive fields"
a basic generalization that is accepted as true and that can be used as a basis for reasoning or conduct; "their principles of composition characterized all their works"
a rule or standard especially of good behavior; "a man of principle"; "he will not violate his principles"
stop operating or functioning; "The engine finally went"; "The car died on the road"; "The bus we travelled in broke down on the way to town"; "The coffee maker broke"; "The engine failed on the way to town"; "her eyesight went after the accident"
prove insufficient; "The water supply for the town failed after a long drought"
disappoint, prove undependable to; abandon, forsake; "His sense of smell failed him this time"; "His strength finally failed him"; "His children failed him in the crisis"
become bankrupt or insolvent; fail financially and close; "The toy company went bankrupt after the competition hired cheap Mexican labor"; "A number of banks failed that year"
fall short in what is expected; "She failed in her obligations as a good daughter-in-law"; "We must not fail his obligation to the victims of the Holocaust"
fail to get a passing grade; "She studied hard but failed nevertheless"; "Did I fail the test?"
judge unacceptable; "The teacher failed six students"
be unsuccessful; "Where do today's public schools fail?"; "The attempt to rescue the hostages failed miserably"
fail to do something; leave something undone; "She failed to notice that her child was no longer in his crib"; "The secretary failed to call the customer and the company lost the account"