Exact Match:
- terminal
- station where transport vehicles load or unload passengers or goods
- a contact on an electrical device (such as a battery) at which electric current enters or leaves
- electronic equipment consisting of a device providing access to a computer; has a keyboard and display
- causing or ending in or approaching death; "a terminal patient"; "terminal cancer"
- relating to or occurring in a term or fixed period of time; "terminal examinations"; "terminal payments"
- of or relating to or situated at the ends of a delivery route; "freight pickup is a terminal service"; "terminal charges"
- CRT,
- L,
- Z,
- anchorage,
- apodosis,
- bad,
- beyond recall,
- beyond remedy,
- bordering,
- borderline,
- boundary,
- bounding,
- bourn,
- branch,
- cable railway,
- catastrophe,
- caudal,
- ceasing,
- cessation,
- clause boundary,
- clause terminal,
- close juncture,
- closing,
- coastal,
- coda,
- cog railway,
- completing,
- completive,
- completory,
- concluding,
- conclusion,
- conclusive,
- conductor,
- connection,
- connector,
- consummation,
- consummative,
- control panel,
- coupling,
- crack of doom,
- crowning,
- culminating,
- culmination,
- cureless,
- curtain,
- curtains,
- deadly,
- death,
- decease,
- definitive,
- denouement,
- depot,
- despaired of,
- destination,
- destiny,
- determinant,
- determinative,
- determining,
- done for,
- doom,
- dying,
- effect,
- el,
- electric railway,
- elevated,
- elevated railway,
- embankment,
- end,
- end point,
- ending,
- endmost,
- envoi,
- epilogue,
- eschatology,
- eventual,
- expiration,
- expiring,
- extreme,
- facing death,
- falling terminal,
- farthest,
- fatal,
- fate,
- feeder,
- feeder line,
- final,
- final solution,
- final twitch,
- final words,
- finale,
- finality,
- finalizing,
- finis,
- finish,
- finishing,
- fringing,
- frontier,
- fulfilling,
- given up,
- goal,
- going,
- gone,
- gravity-operated railway,
- greatest,
- harbor,
- haven,
- hindmost,
- hopeless,
- horse railway,
- immedicable,
- in articulo mortis,
- in extremis,
- incapable of life,
- incorrigible,
- incurable,
- inoperable,
- irreclaimable,
- irrecoverable,
- irredeemable,
- irreformable,
- irremediable,
- irreparable,
- irretrievable,
- irreversible,
- irrevocable,
- izzard,
- junction,
- juncture,
- keyboard,
- lag,
- last,
- last breath,
- last gasp,
- last stop,
- last things,
- last trumpet,
- last words,
- latest,
- latter,
- latter end,
- lethal,
- light railroad,
- limbic,
- liminal,
- limit,
- limitable,
- limital,
- limiting,
- line,
- littoral,
- lost,
- low,
- main line,
- marginal,
- maximum,
- metro,
- module,
- monitor,
- monorail,
- moribund,
- mortal,
- near death,
- nonviable,
- omega,
- open juncture,
- past hope,
- past praying for,
- pause,
- payoff,
- period,
- peroration,
- polar,
- port,
- position,
- quietus,
- rack railway,
- rack-and-pinion railway,
- rail,
- rail line,
- railroad,
- railway,
- remediless,
- resolution,
- resting place,
- rimming,
- rising terminal,
- roadbed,
- roadway,
- ruined,
- sandhi,
- screen,
- sidetrack,
- siding,
- sinking,
- skirting,
- slipping,
- slipping away,
- station,
- stop,
- stoppage,
- stopping place,
- street railway,
- streetcar line,
- subway,
- swan song,
- switchback,
- tail,
- term,
- terminable,
- terminal point,
- terminating,
- termination,
- terminative,
- terminus,
- threshold,
- track,
- tram,
- tramline,
- trestle,
- trolley line,
- trunk,
- trunk line,
- tube,
- turnout,
- ultimate,
- underground,
- undone,
- unmitigable,
- unrelievable,
- unsalvable,
- unsalvageable,
- windup,
- wire,
- word boundary