take into one's family; "They adopted two children from Nicaragua"
take up and practice as one's own
choose and follow; as of theories, ideas, policies, strategies or plans; "She followed the feminist movement"; "The candidate espouses Republican ideals"
kill by squeezing the throat of so as to cut off the air; "he tried to strangle his opponent"; "A man in Boston has been strangling several dozen prostitutes"
the eye unaided by any optical instrument that alters the power of vision or alters the apparent size or distance of objects; "it is not safe to look directly at the sun with the naked eye"
put down by force or intimidation; "The government quashes any attempt of an uprising"; "China keeps down her dissidents very efficiently"; "The rich landowners subjugated the peasants working the land"
the opinion of a group as determined by voting; "they put the question to a vote"
a choice that is made by counting the number of people in favor of each alternative; "there were only 17 votes in favor of the motion"
the total number of votes cast; "they are hoping for a large vote"
a body of voters who have the same interests; "he failed to get the Black vote"
express one's preference for a candidate or for a measure or resolution; cast a vote; "He voted for the motion"; "None of the Democrats voted last night"
bring into existence or make available by vote; "They voted aid for the underdeveloped countries in Asia"
express a choice or opinion; "I vote that we all go home"; "She voted for going to the Chinese restaurant"
express one's choice or preference by vote; "vote the Democratic ticket"