the act of folding; "he gave the napkins a double fold"
a pen for sheep
a folded part (as in skin or muscle)
a geological process that causes a bend in a stratum of rock
an angular or rounded shape made by folding; "a fold in the napkin"; "a crease in his trousers"; "a plication on her blouse"; "a flexure of the colon"; "a bend of his elbow"
incorporate a food ingredient into a mixture by repeatedly turning it over without stirring or beating; "Fold the egg whites into the batter"
become folded or folded up; "The bed folds in a jiffy"
bend or lay so that one part covers the other; "fold up the newspaper"; "turn up your collar"
(mathematics) a set of entries in a square matrix running diagonally either from the upper left to lower right entry or running from the upper right to lower left entry
an oblique line of squares of the same color on a checkerboard; "the bishop moves on the diagonals"
a line or cut across a fabric that is not at right angles to a side of the fabric
(geometry) a straight line connecting any two vertices of a polygon that are not adjacent
at an angle; especially connecting two nonadjacent corners of a plane figure or any two corners of a solid that are not in the same face; "a diagonal line across the page"