melt (fat or lard) in order to separate out impurities; "try the yak butter"; "render fat in a casserole"
test the limits of; "You are trying my patience!"
give pain or trouble to; "I've been sorely tried by these students"
make an effort or attempt; "He tried to shake off his fears"; "The infant had essayed a few wobbly steps"; "The police attempted to stop the thief"; "He sought to improve himself"; "She always seeks to do good in the world"
form a queue, form a line, stand in line; "Customers lined up in front of the store"
get something or somebody for a specific purpose; "I found this gadget that will serve as a bottle opener"; "I got hold of these tools to fix our plumbing"; "The chairman got hold of a secretary on Friday night to type the urgent letter"
an accusation that brings into intimate and usually incriminating connection
a relation implicated by virtue of involvement or close connection (especially an incriminating involvement); "he was suspected of implication in several robberies"
a logical relation between propositions p and q of the form `if p then q'; if p is true then q cannot be false
the act of inspecting or verifying; "they made a check of their equipment"; "the pilot ran through the check-out procedure"
(chess) a direct attack on an opponent's king
obstructing an opponent in ice hockey
a textile pattern of squares or crossed lines (resembling a checkerboard); "she wore a skirt with checks"
a mark left after a small piece has been chopped or broken off of something
the bill in a restaurant; "he asked the waiter for the check"
a written order directing a bank to pay money; "he paid all his bills by check"
make cracks or chinks in; "The heat checked the paint"
arrest the motion (of something) abruptly; "He checked the flow of water by shutting off the main valve"
slow the growth or development of; "The brain damage will retard the child's language development"
examine so as to determine accuracy, quality, or condition; "check the brakes"; "Check out the engine"
put a check mark on or near or next to; "Please check each name on the list"; "tick off the items"; "mark off the units"
verify by consulting a source or authority; "check the spelling of this word"; "check your facts"
write out a check on a bank account
place into check; "He checked my kings"
hold back, as of a danger or an enemy; check the expansion or influence of; "Arrest the downward trend"; "Check the growth of communism in South East Asia"; "Contain the rebel movement"; "Turn back the tide of communism"
decline to initiate betting
mark into squares or draw squares on; draw crossed lines on
stop for a moment, as if out of uncertainty or caution; "She checked for an instant and missed a step"
stop in a chase especially when scent is lost; "The dog checked"
abandon the intended prey, turn, and pursue an inferior prey, of falcons
hand over something to somebody as for temporary safekeeping; "Check your coat at the door"
consign for shipment on a vehicle; "check your luggage before boarding"
make an examination or investigation; "check into the rumor"; "check the time of the class"
block or impede (a player from the opposing team) in ice hockey
be verified or confirmed; pass inspection; "These stories don't check!"