expand in the form of a series; "Develop the function in the following form"
grow, progress, unfold, or evolve through a process of evolution, natural growth, differentiation, or a conducive environment; "A flower developed on the branch"; "The country developed into a mighty superpower"; "The embryo develops into a fetus"; "This situation has developed over a long time"
cause to grow and differentiate in ways conforming to its natural development; "The perfect climate here develops the grain"; "He developed a new kind of apple"
be gradually disclosed or unfolded; become manifest; "The plot developed slowly";
elaborate by the unfolding of a musical idea and by the working out of the rhythmic and harmonic changes in the theme; "develop the melody and change the key"
grow emotionally or mature; "The child developed beautifully in her new kindergarten"; "When he spent a summer at camp, the boy grew noticeably and no longer showed some of his old adolescent behavior"
gain through experience; "I acquired a strong aversion to television"; "Children must develop a sense of right and wrong"; "Dave developed leadership qualities in his new position"; "develop a passion for painting"
move into a strategically more advantageous position; "develop the rook"
move one's pieces into strategically more advantageous positions; "Spassky developed quickly"
superimpose a three-dimensional surface on a plane without stretching, in geometry
generate gradually; "We must develop more potential customers"; "develop a market for the new mobile phone"
make something new, such as a product or a mental or artistic creation; "Her company developed a new kind of building material that withstands all kinds of weather"; "They developed a new technique"
make visible by means of chemical solutions; "Please develop this roll of film for me"
the act of drawing or hauling something; "the haul up the hill went very slowly"
poker in which a player can discard cards and receive substitutes from the dealer; "he played only draw and stud"
(American football) the quarterback moves back as if to pass and then hands the ball to the fullback who is running toward the line of scrimmage
a playing card or cards dealt or taken from the pack; "he got a pair of kings in the draw"
anything (straws or pebbles etc.) taken or chosen at random; "the luck of the draw"; "they drew lots for it"
the finish of a contest in which the score is tied and the winner is undecided; "the game ended in a draw"; "their record was 3 wins, 6 losses and a tie"
a gully that is shallower than a ravine
cause to localize at one point; "Draw blood and pus"
flatten, stretch, or mold metal or glass, by rolling or by pulling it through a die or by stretching; "draw steel"
steep; pass through a strainer; "draw pulp from the fruit"
reduce the diameter of (a wire or metal rod) by pulling it through a die; "draw wire"
contract; "The material drew after it was washed in hot water"
bring or lead someone to a certain action or condition; "She was drawn to despair"; "The President refused to be drawn into delivering an ultimatum"; "The session was drawn to a close"
select or take in from a given group or region; "The participants in the experiment were drawn from a representative population"
make, formulate, or derive in the mind; "I draw a line here"; "draw a conclusion"; "draw parallels"; "make an estimate"; "What do you make of his remarks?"
choose at random; "draw a card"; "cast lots"
move or pull so as to cover or uncover something; "draw the shades"; "draw the curtains"
earn or achieve a base by being walked by the pitcher; "He drew a base on balls"
engage in drawing; "He spent the day drawing in the garden"
represent by making a drawing of, as with a pencil, chalk, etc. on a surface; "She drew an elephant"; "Draw me a horse"
write a legal document or paper; "The deed was drawn in the lawyer's office"
elicit responses, such as objections, criticism, applause, etc.; "The President's comments drew sharp criticism from the Republicans"; "The comedian drew a lot of laughter"
take liquid out of a container or well; "She drew water from the barrel"
bring, take, or pull out of a container or from under a cover; "draw a weapon"; "pull out a gun"; "The mugger pulled a knife on his victim"
move or go steadily or gradually; "The ship drew near the shore"
cause to flow; "The nurse drew blood"
pull (a person) apart with four horses tied to his extremities, so as to execute him; "in the old days, people were drawn and quartered for certain crimes"
require a specified depth for floating; "This boat draws 70 inches"