form a critical opinion of; "I cannot judge some works of modern art"; "How do you evaluate this grant proposal?" "We shouldn't pass judgment on other people"
an ancient Greek dance imitating the motions of warfare
a metrical unit with unstressed-unstressed syllables
of or relating to or resembling Pyrrhus or his exploits (especially his sustaining staggering losses in order to defeat the Romans); "a Pyrrhic victory"
of or relating to or containing a metrical foot of two unstressed syllables; "pyrrhic verses"
of or relating to a war dance of ancient Greece; "pyrrhic dance movements"
in constant change; "his opinions are in flux"; "the newness and flux of the computer industry"
a flow or discharge
a state of uncertainty about what should be done (usually following some important event) preceding the establishment of a new direction of action; "the flux following the death of the emperor"
excessive discharge of liquid from a cavity or organ (as in watery diarrhea)
a substance added to molten metals to bond with impurities that can then be readily removed
the rate of flow of energy or particles across a given surface