evil or harmful in nature or influence; "prompted by malign motives"; "believed in witches and malign spirits"; "gave him a malign look"; "a malign lesion"
utter aloud; often with surprise, horror, or joy; "`I won!' he exclaimed"; "`Help!' she cried"; "`I'm here,' the mother shouted when she saw her child looking lost"
a firm controlling influence; "they kept a firm grip on the two top priorities"; "he was in the grip of a powerful emotion"; "a terrible power had her in its grasp"
worker who moves the camera around while a film or television show is being made
the friction between a body and the surface on which it moves (as between an automobile tire and the road)
hold fast or firmly; "He gripped the steering wheel"
the act of noticing or paying attention; "he escaped the notice of the police"
polite or favorable attention; "his hard work soon attracted the teacher's notice"
a short critical review; "the play received good notices"
an announcement containing information about a future event; "you didn't give me enough notice"
advance notification (usually written) of the intention to withdraw from an arrangement or contract; "we received a notice to vacate the premises"; "he gave notice two months before he moved"
express recognition of the presence or existence of, or acquaintance with; "He never acknowledges his colleagues when they run into him in the hallway"; "She acknowledged his complement with a smile"; "it is important to acknowledge the work of others in one's own writing"
notice or perceive; "She noted that someone was following her"; "mark my words"
make more precise or increase the discriminatory powers of; "refine a method of analysis"; "refine the constant in the equation"
attenuate or reduce in vigor, strength, or validity by polishing or purifying; "many valuable nutrients are refined out of the foods in our modern diet"
reduce to a fine, unmixed, or pure state; separate from extraneous matter or cleanse from impurities; "refine sugar"
treat or prepare so as to put in a usable condition; "refine paper stock"; "refine pig iron"; "refine oil"